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I installed MAC OSX 10.9 successfully. I tried many difference ways but i can't enable my graphics card (onboard) working on MAC


I use without DSDT create chameleon boot usb by myhack 3.3

Boot flag: -v GeraphicsEnable=No => to start mac osx
Add my Device ID (964A) to AMD6000Controller.kext boot with GraphicsEnabler=Yes => not working
I tried to created my own kext for my graphics card but no luck
Follow resources: 
My mainboard have 3 ports (VAG, DVI-D, HDMI) but making kext follow about resources I only have 2 ports:
10 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 11 04 00 02 VAG 
00 08 00 00 |00| 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 22 05 01 01 HDMI 
replace these values with exiting Kudzu's value (2 ports) in AMD6000Controller.kext
Then trying boot flags but can't start mac osx (not recognize Graphics):
 GraphicsEnabler=Yes AtiConfig=Kudzu
 GraphicsEnabler=Yes AtiConfig=Kudzu AtiPorts=2
Thank you in advance
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