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First Scuess on my vaio S series

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Hello all,


After a few months of trying, I finally make my sony vaio notebook to boot Tiger 10.4.7.

Howerver, two problems still exist.

The first one is the video and the second is the audio, without that vaio is not a "VA"io.

Could somebody help me to solve the problems.


My problems are here:


1. Successfully using callisto 0.03 to use the full screen support 1280x800, but no opengl.

I have try every method mentioned in this forum, but no success.

(Pathed the kext, used the kext from 10.4.1, used koverg patch, tried from ATI, 8500, 9700 drivers)

Without opengl, some applications (keynotes, pages) can not work.


2. Soundmax ADI1981B

Successfully load the driver and can adjust the volume. But only a little sound heared.

Any suggestions?



The following information is about my notebook.

CPU : Intel Banias 1.5 GHZ

Chipset: Intel 855PM

Video chip : ATI 9200 SE

Audio chip: AD1981B


Your any suggestion is welcome.

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