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I downloaded Mac OS X 10.4.6 by JaS and I was wondering if there was a way to install it without burning it to a DVD. I know what your saying...just buy a DVD right? Well I am curious as how it can be done (besides from the lack of DVD's), if possible that is. If there IS in fact a way to do so and there is a tutorial on the procedure would someone kindly point me in the right direction. BTW I know nothing on how to crack or hack or anything of the likes and yes I probably can learn...but I'm not sure where to start (read an article somewhere about a complaint that no one uses their brain and wants everyone to do their work for them, I am not that kinda person, but I simply don't know the direction to learn myself).

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Well I'm installing OS X 10.4.6 JaS using only one IDE HD so hopefully I dont have any complications. Could I possible use Acronis OS Selector for the boot loader instead of chain0 or even Darwin (which was recommended to me instead of chain0)? Because I am installing it right at this moment (without any problems) and I want to know before hand if there are problems with Acronis being used after installing from VMware.

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