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ATI X550 support

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I have a micro-ATX 915G board (Asus P5GD1-VM if i remember), and everything works very well, with

on-board GMA900 video.

But time ago i browsed the compatible hardware list, looking for a PCI-E video card.

One of the very few choices was the ATI X550, so i looked around for one of the few, very cheap,

ATI X550 video card left on the market (a Sapphire brand), and bought it.

Since then, if i choose in the bios settings the internal video like primary, everything works well, and i

am continuing to successfully update the system (to 10.4.7 now). But if i choose the PCI Express card

like primary, the computer boots, and makes all the right noises, but the screen becomes suddenly

black, and stays like that.

I don't know which are the right kexts that must be loaded, the only thing i'm sure is that there are

many of them in the "disabled" folder.

I didn't try to install everything from scratch for the third time, this computer is so stable that it is my primary machine right now, and i would regret to mess around too much.

But i don't like to have a disabled card, of no use at all (i don't have another PCI-E board around).


With other cards was easier, if anybody with similar needs is interested, here's what i did:

for Gigabit support, i just looked around for a Realtek-based card

for wireless support, it was just just the matter of editing the kext, after finding a PCI Wi-Fi card

with the right Broadcom chipset (now gets recognized like a 54mbit Apple AirPort).


So i am waiting for your help.



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