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ASUS P7P55D - Version november 2009




Internal I/O Connectors

3 x USB connectors support additional 6 USB ports ok

1 x IDE connector not tested

7 x SATA connectors ok

1 x IEEE 1394a connector not tested

VIA® VT1828S 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC ok

1 x S/PDIF Out Header not tested

Realtek® 8112L Gigabit LAN controller featuring AI NET2 ok

PS/2 Keyboard (Purple) not tested

PS/2 mouse port (Green) not tested




Table of Contents

1/ Preamble

2/ Requirement

3/ Preparation of USB support

4/ BIOS Setup

5/ The installation

6/ The first boot

7/ 10.6.2 Upgrade

8/ Installing P7P55D kext

9/ More & more...

10/ thanks to




1/ Preamble

I am a beginner longstanding experience in os x 86. All your comments are welcome

I apologize for English to Google :dev: I speak French!

Good luck!



2/ Requirement

- a mac / hack with leopard (or a VM machine)

- a Retail DVD of SL (or a DMG)

- a USB / harddrive with at least 8gb

- P7P55D by dgeordgy21

- 4 hours and more



3/ Preparation of USB support

1. Open Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility.

2. Highlight the hard drive you want to use as the destination for your Snow Leopard Install in the left column.

3. Click the Partition Tab.

4. Click Volume Scheme- choose 1 Partition.

5. Click Options…

6. Select MBR Partition Table. Click OK.

7. In the Name: field type: DVD

8. In Format: field select Mac OS Extended (Journaled).

9. Click Apply, then click Partition.

10. Go to "Restore" tab, chose the DMG, and drag&drop the DVD icon to "destination"

11. Uncheck "Erase destination"

12. Begin the Restore. This operation takes a few minutes (30 for me)

10. Close Disk Utility.

11. Run myHack installer and install it to the USB drive you just prepared.

12. Customise and select the following options:




EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTE: I can not possibly stress how important it is that you ensure you are installing to the USB drive and NOT the root partition of the computer you have run the installer on. The root partition is selected by default. If you install the Chameleon Bootloader (one of the core components of the myHack Installer) to the root partition of a REAL Apple Computer you will BREAK the system.


12. Now we will modify the installation to what to install in MBR disk. You have to view the hidden files

In terminal write:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true
and log-out to changes to take effect.

13. Download and install OSInstall.mpkg OSInstall as described on myHack

OSInstall.mpkg modified to enable installation on MBR partitioned disks. – Replace /System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg with this file.
OSInstall framework modified to enable installation on MBR partitioned disks. – Replace /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Frameworks/OSInstall.framework/Versions/A/OSInstall with this file

14. execute pfix

"sudo /Volumes/DVD/pfix" enter your password and type "/Volumes/DVD" - without cotes


Source: Tonymacx86 myHack



4/ BIOS Setup




5/ The installation

1. Boot on the USB device. Press F8 during the boot :dev:

2. Don't touch any key until you see the installer

3. In the menu choose Disk Utility

4. Partition your disk as you want.

5. If you want a multiboot choose "MBR" in "option"

6. Name: "osx" format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled)

7. Apply

8. Exit DiskUtility

9. Continue and choose the "osx" disk for the installation.

10. Customise your installation, if you want

11. Take a coffee (4 min with a SSD disk :dev: )

12. Ignore the error and reboot your computer


6/ The first boot

1. Boot on the USB device. Press F8 during the boot :dev:

2. In Chameleon choose "dvd" and type

rd=disk0s1 maxmem=4096 -v

3. Continue, if you don't want inform Apple of sexual orientation press "windows + q" at the registration page and ignore

5. Open MyHack in the dvd drive and install it on "osx" drive. For the options check the same as previously.

6. Execute pfix

"sudo /pfix" enter your password and press "Enter"

7. Reboot

8. In Chameleon choose "osx" and type "maxmem=4096"


7/ 10.6.2 Upgrade

1. Copy all kext from the pack Extra_Extension_10.6_to_10.6.2 combo_ready to Extra/extension and run pfix. - Especially AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext & fakesmc.kext

2. Download and install the 10.6.2 combo update form the Apple site.

3. Restart

4. In Chameleon choose "osx" and type "mach_kernel -v"

5. Get the info of the "/Extra" folder unlock it in the "Sharing & Permission"

6. add a user (you) and set your privilege to "Read & Write"

7. open " com.apple.Boot.plist" and change "chocolate_kernel" to "mach_kernel"

8. Save & quit

9. Copy SleepEnabler.kext form the pack in /Extra/Extensions

9. Run pfix


Source: Netkas.org


8/ Installing P7P55D kext

1. Drag&Drop RealtekR1000.kext & VoodooHDA.kext into Kext Helper b7

2. Enter your password and EASY INSTALL

3. If you use PS2 mouse / keyboard, install VoodooPS2Controller-0.98-installer.pkg


9/ More & more...

This section is to finish your installation details:

1. Make a "full service" of your kext with Kext Utility

2. Repair permission with Disk Utility

3. Delete "chocolate_kernel" in "/"

4. Disable "automatic updates" in System Preferences

5. You can install "VoodooHDA.prefPane" if you want

6. You can install "FunctionFlip.prefPane" to assign a custom shortcuts to your reclaimed keys


10/ Thanks to

all participants of ASUS P7P55D Deluxe running snow leopard, has any one tried it, Planning a snowleopard build around a i5 750... Suggestions?


tonymacx86's P55 Hackintosh Blog



and finaly Insanelymac community

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