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Version april 2009


So I have installed iPC OSx86 Universal 10.5.6 on my Asus A8Sc.

Caution, installation needs a USB Keyboard and mouse

Patch the iPC of PCwiz with the PFF5

MD5 Hash of iPC OSx86 10.5.6 Universal PPF5 (Final): 9ceb2e8daaa182a1071a337ad9b81e3f


Installation in two steep

1/ Basic install withe the DVD (iPC PFF5)

2/ Customisation kitchen for our ASUS A8Sc


Let's go!


Basic install withe the DVD (iPC PFF5) Picture version



IPC OSx 86 10.5.6 AMD SSE2 SSE3>Drivers>Video Drivers>NVIDIA>NVinject 0.2.1 1024 MB VRAM

PC OSx 86 10.5.6 AMD SSE2 SSE3>Drivers>Chipset Drivers>Intel ICHx SATA Driver

PC OSx 86 10.5.6 AMD SSE2 SSE3>Drivers>Wireless Drivers>Broadcom Driver (if you've one, onther wise don't check)

PC OSx 86 10.5.6 AMD SSE2 SSE3>Drivers>USB Drivers>Patched USB Drivers

PC OSx 86 10.5.6 AMD SSE2 SSE3>Drivers>PowerMagagement>AppleACPIBatteryManager

PC OSx 86 10.5.6 AMD SSE2 SSE3>Drivers>PowerMagagement>VoodooPower

PC OSx 86 10.5.6 AMD SSE2 SSE3>Fixes and Patch>IOUSBMassStorage Fix

PC OSx 86 10.5.6 AMD SSE2 SSE3>Fixes and Patch>DSDT Patches>Patch DSDT

PC OSx 86 10.5.6 AMD SSE2 SSE3>Fixes and Patch>AppleSMBIOS Patch> AppleSMBIOS-27 MacBook DDR2

Applications>OSx86 Tools Utility

Applications>KextHelper b7



Customisation kitchen for our ASUS A8Sc


Every seems working, let see details.

Downlaod my basic pack Kext iPC 10.5.6 PFF5



VoodooPS2Controller-0.98-installer.pkg (for PS2 Support keyboard and mouse)



cp -R /System/Library/Extensions/NVkush.kext /Backup\ Extensions
rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/NVkush.kext
cp -R /System/Library/Extensions/HDAEnabler.kext /Backup\ Extensions
rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/HDAEnabler.kext
cp -R /Volumes/A8Sc_10.5.6_dgeordgy21/NVkush.kext /System/Library/Extensions/
cp -R /Volumes/A8Sc_10.5.6_dgeordgy21/HDAEnabler.kext /System/Library/Extensions/
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/NVkush.kext
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/HDAEnabler.kext
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/NVkush.kext
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/HDAEnabler.kext
touch /System/Library/Extensions
sudo -k


Delete "NVinject.kext" in "/System/Library/Extensions/" (NVkush.kext is more adapted for our hardware)

Repair permissions:

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/
touch /System/Library/Extensions
sudo -k


Correcting error "sleepimage has garbage.." with terminal

sudo -s 
rm /var/vm/sleepimage 
pmset -a hibernatemode 0




delete "AppleHDA.kext" in "/System/Library/Extensions/"

Install "AppleHDA.kext" located in my pack

cp -R /System/Library/Extensions/HDAEnabler.kext /Backup\ Extensions
rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/HDAEnabler.kext
cp -R /Volumes/A8Sc_10.5.6_dgeordgy21/HDAEnabler.kext /System/Library/Extensions/
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/HDAEnabler.kext
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/HDAEnabler.kext
touch /System/Library/Extensions
sudo -k


Repair permissions:

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/
touch /System/Library/Extensions
sudo -k


Install "FunctionFlip.prefPane" and check "Start FunctionFlip at login" :dev:

Disable automatic update




Go in "system preferences>sound>outputs" and check that "internals speakers" is selected




News are available on my blog. Merci

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