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Here's a screenshot of my OSX desktop, just by looking at it I feel more productive than I have ever been on Windows.

It's just a default desktop, with a custom wallpaper.


TIP: You can easily save a screenshot to a File in OSX by pressing Command+Shift+3. The file automatically gets saved to your desktop!




Simple but effective. I think it just looks excellent without any customisation.

Comparing to Windows, I needed several different applications installed to get a custom look, an it still didn't look as nice as this.


TIP: I've found Spotlight to be my best friend on OSX. It's Apples built in application launcher. To use it just press Command+Space at any time. Enter a few letters of the application/file that you are trying to open and it should find it automatically for you. Hit Enter and the selection app/file will open.

You can even use it to look up terms in the dictionary. Just enter any word, and one of the results will show a definition of the term!

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