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[uPDATE] Slashack's fix works see this post and forget all about maxmem :graduated:LINK TO POST


I had a few issues with random freezes while using Transmission. I did not think Transmission was a memory intensive program but Activity Monitor showed I was wrong. I decided to try photoshop out. Ran some large files through until it froze.


Unfortunately I could not find a fix that would allow me to take advantage of all 4 gigs. I was able to limit the amount of memory osx uses by adding "maxmem=3584" at boot. This gives me 3.5gb. I tried transmission, photoshop and starting all of the apps in the dock and could not crash the system. I assume that this issue might have a fix when Snow Leopard comes out.


Try the maxmem flag on boot and if it works add it to com.apple.Boot.plist located in: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/


The syntax goes something like this:

<key>Kernel Flags</key>


Replacing **** with the amount of memory to use. Many people have reported 3456 (3.38gb) works well. I have pushed mine to 3584 (3.5gb) and have not been able to make it freeze.

This is also where you put other flags such as "-v -s -l". If you are using any of these the syntax is:

<key>Kernel Flags</key>

-v -s</string>

Each time I increased the speed I would open up Activity Monitor and click the System Memory tab. I would then open Photoshop and and do something that would tax the system. On my computer when I went over the threshold it would freeze and I could read how much memory had been used. (Other people have mentioned that their computer would reset instead of freeze.) I ran that computer 24/7 and used Photoshop heavily and never had a memory related problem at 3.5GB.


I have read about a possible fix reported by Slashack and will give it a try soon. Here is a link to the post.


MOBO: Asus M2N SLI Deluxe (BIOS )

CPU: AMD Athlon 64 5000 X2

RAM: Corsair XMS2 DDR-800 1gb x4 (3.38gb) "maxmem=3456"

GRAPHICS: PNY 7600GT 256mb (VCG7600GXPB)

DRIVES: 1x WD 74gb Raptor SATA 1.5, 3x WD Caviar 80gb SATA 3, NEC DVD Burner (ND3550A), ASUS DVD ROM (E-616A2)

INSTALL: Kalyway 10.5.2 AMD + all software updates from apple apart from system updates.

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No actually you find "<key>Kernel Flags</key>" and place it below it inside of <string>:<key>Kernel Flags</key><string>maxmem=****</string>I also had -v included in mine. I believe you can include other Kernel Flags using a single space between. Below is an example of what I used:<key>Kernel Flags</key><string>maxmem=3584 -v</string>You mentioned 3072 to cap it off at 3GB. I kept nudging mine up until I got to 3584 or 3.5GB. Each time I increased the speed I would open up Activity Monitor and click the System Memory tab. I would then open Photoshop and and do something that would tax the system. On my computer when I went over the threshold it would freeze and I could read how much memory had been used. (Other people have mentioned that their computer would reset instead of freeze.) I ran that computer 24/7 and used Photoshop heavily and never had a memory related problem at 3.5GB. So you may want to tinker around to get the most out of your memory.Good Luck-Justin

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