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Boot to Blue Screen Intel 845grg


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Hi all, thanks for the help in advance.


Installed Jas 10.4.6 on my Intel P4 2.8ghz 845GRG. I selected the intel pacthes, (SSE2 but not three, also tried both, did not try SSE3 only). Installation finished with no problems and I already had Acronis OS Selector enabled. I boot into OSX and it hangs on the Blue screen. I have tried to get it to start into safe mode but that won't work either. How can I enable the -v boot? When ever I select OSX it just starts up like it does on a real Mac. How can I get to a prompt to enter startup commands?


Thanks for the help and if you need more info on this computer let me know. I am booting OSX off a partition on the same HD (IDE) as Windows.



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So when i select Mac OSX from the Arconis OS program it imediatly says Darwin x86 in plain text on a black screen. I hit F8 like a mad man and after about 4-5 second it does to a whie/gray background with the apple symbol and a rotating wheel below it is spinning. I then gets to my "favorite" blue screen where all I get is a mouse and nothing else. So I can't get F8 to work, any other ideas?


EDIT: Ok I figured out that you can't boot on this MOBO OSX with a usb mouse and PS2 keyboard. It does not like the PS2 and looks for a USB keyboard. I unpluged the mouse and was able to boot in verbose mode. It stalled at this point:


"Like/load error occured for kernal extension /System/Library/Extensions/AudioIPCDriver.kext"


Any ideas?

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I went into bios and found one item that let me turn audio off. I selected disable and booted in to mac osx with the same results, it went to the blue screen and all I got was the mouse. In verbose modie it still stalled on that key text. I also turned off the LAN just in case with the same results. Am I out of luck?

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I had the same problem with my installation of JaS 10.4.6, after some reading i've found that you have to install the Combo Update (Select "Custumize" and when you see the updates for SSE2 and SSE3 and other stuff, there is a combo update in there as well). After installing it the problem was solved. Give it a try.

Don't install both SSE2 and SSE3 as well as other conflicting updates (Intel and AMD...)


Good luck!



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