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My system specs are..


Gigabyte Z77P-D3 running F8e BIOS


Samsung 840 120GB SSD

Samsung HD103 1TB HDD

8GB Corsair Vengeance RAM

ATI Radeon 7950 3GB (unplugged currently until I have 10.8.3 running again)



I've been having some frustrating issues! I was running 10.8.3 off the Samsung SSD and then I started receiving the "still waiting for root device" error, I eventually managed to fix this I think by updating the firmware through windows. After a while the root device error came back and I was unable to resolve it by reinstalling the firmware, although the SSD was viewable through windows with the file structure intact and everything, so it's definitely not the drive.


After this I wiped the SSD thinking I'd just reinstall. I downloaded 10.8 from the app store again and used ##### 1.7 to make an install USB. When I get to the installer I can't see either disk detected to install on either the disk utility or the main installer, yet both are definitely present in the BIOS and in windows.


So far I've tried / checked


BIOS definitely in AHCI

Booting with -f -x -v

Unplugging the SSD / HDD and using one or the other only

Unplugging one 4GB stick of RAM


If anyone has any ideas I'd be eternally grateful, I need to get back on Logic pronto! :)

Thanks for the advice, I tried MyHack and got the boot0 error initially, but then used MBR instead and it was fine, however it didn't make any difference, I still don't see any disks in disk utility, does anyone have any other ideas?

Yeah it's very odd! Have done all that multiple times and no dice still...


It can't have worked properly though I guess because of the root device error, and I do vaguely recall having some similar issues the first time round but cannot remember how i fixed it, the SSD was a post-install thing too, although I have tried without it and still can't detect my disks.


I have seen mention of alternative ATA kexts in threads about HP laptops, is this the same for Gigabyte Z77 mobos?


also tried booting with rd=disk0s0 etc.

Just to add to this, I managed to connect the SSD using a SATA to USB connector and install 10.8.3 on it, but I still get the waiting for root device error with -f / -F / ahcidisk=1 / debug=8 / clover / chameleon on both EFI partition and off.


I'm at a loss now, should I just sell my SSD?

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