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Hi friends!!!

From to I updated to 10.8, I have a problem with my SpeedStep.

My processor is an Intel Core i7 2670QM 2.2GHz and up to 3.1GHz, but I can't get pass 2.77GHz.

I have my SSDT in the Extra folder and I use the flag "DropSSDT = Yes" in my org.chameleon.Boot, also I use PMPatch for my Bios.

Can anyone help me to solve this issue?

Thanx in advance.


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I also get x28 as the maximum with my 2670QM (patched BIOS, patched original DSDT [although PikeRAlpha's ssdtPRGen gives me 28 as max also]):



This probably isn't an OS X problem, however; 2.80 GHz is what seems to be reported under Windows, too:



This thread explains (I think) why.

Hi friend!!! thanx for your reply...

This is my AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementInfo.kext test.

Now I do not mind reading HWMonitor, I know it's erroneous.

You can find AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementInfo.kext in the network and you can do same test in your machine and check if your SpeedStep are correct.

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