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Hi, I have got ML installed on my server


2 things I see not work OK, and that is Graphics & Sound



Graphics: Can the HD2500 be enabled in ESXi for the graphics in OSX? this is my CPU:Intel Core i5 3470 / 3.2 GHz

Sound: Realtek ALC892 Audio Codec, can this be enabled as well ?


I'm running ML 10.8.3 without any kext modifications, see image for my settings





On ESXi , shall I install Chameleon as bootloader and add all tweaks as for an Hackintosh? or shall the OSX be "untouched" se my disk in attached file? if it's OK to install cham, what partition shall it be installed to ?




more info on unraid forum for my server. -> http://lime-technolo...p?topic=26701.0


@Donk, Thanks for the excellent unlocker







Maybe it's better to add a GPU to my server, looking for a simple one


would one of these works Out of the box for ESXi passthrough....


follow links are in a swedish site,









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