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I have chamelon + 10.8.2 + windows 8 on single hard disk. But L tried to change hcamelon to clover.


I installed clover with "bios MBR boot0hfs(HFS+Fat32)" option on osx partition which is install 10.8.2.


After rebooting, I could not see windows icon at clover boot menu screen. So I tried to make ntfs partition active.


localhost:krusader.build root# diskutil list
  #:					   TYPE NAME				    SIZE	   IDENTIFIER
  0:	 FDisk_partition_scheme					    *128.0 GB   disk0
  1:				  Apple_HFS WebDevTeam			  60.1 GB    disk0s2
  2:			   Windows_NTFS startw8				 67.6 GB    disk0s3
localhost:krusader.build root# fdisk -e /dev/disk0s3
Enter 'help' for information
fdisk: 1> f 2
Partition 2 marked active.
fdisk:*1> write


At the "write" stage, the cursor didn't move to next step to press "Y".


Please let me know what am I wrong.


Thanks in advance.

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