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This is mainly for me to remember, so I won't describe the obvious steps.

If you read this, and you don't know how to start from the beginning, read my other guides.


Start with the DVD or if you use the USB version, then start with "-v USBBusFix=Yes"


After erasing the partition, choose additionally to the preselected options the following:


- USB Fix

- PS/2

- MacBook 8.1

- IOPCI Family

- Disable nVidia drivers

- Disable Intel Drivers


After starting up the OS and creating your account and you are on the desktop, download http://www.osx86.net...do=file&id=2725 and install the Kext from the graphics directory (and optionally the Kext from the Bluetooth directory... I believe that I had some kernel panics due to bluetooth before).


This is the only way to get the real resolutions.

I also attached a BENQ monitor to my Laptop so my resolution is 1920x1080.

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