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As some of you probably know we have a software from Apple called 'iPhone configuration utility'. You can use it to generate iOS profiles in plist format.


One of the payloads in such profile is "Restrictions".

Apple is giving us reference about it here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#featuredarticles/iPhoneConfigurationProfileRef/Introduction/Introduction.html


However I can't find out what happens if you miss some key. For instance, if in my plist file, under Restrictions payload there will be no "allowCamera" key (which should be set to either true or false), what will happen? Will camera be available or not? Some keys have their default values (as reference shows) but some of them don't?


This issue came to our mind when Apple release new restrictions key and we won't update our profile, what is going to happen with restrictions which keys weren't specified in the plist profile.





In my understanding if all Restrictions are "Optional" and documentation explains what happens IF set to false, does it mean that they are all true by default? (except one restriction `forceITunesStorePasswordEntry` where it explains what happens if set to true, which means that it's false by default?)


I guess that if restriction is not specified in configuration profile then it shouldn't make any changed to `brand new` iOS (that would make sense).


Correct me if I'm wrong.


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