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I used the install guide here (Joshhh). I am using Joshhh's DSDT for the T410, although I do not have NVIDIA graphics (my system has Intel HD Graphics). I'm using the following kexts: ACPISensors, AppleACPIPlatform, AppleHDA, AppleIntelE1000e, CPUSensors, FakeSMC, NouveauSensors, VoodooBattery and VoodooPS2Controller (installed @ /S/L/E). I'm using the Chameleon bootloader (C/P States enabled, flags of npci=0x2000) with a MBP6,2 SMBios Plist.


When I click -> Sleep the screen goes "black", but the mouse cursor still shows and the LCD does not turn off. The cursor cannot be moved with the trackpad, but clicking a mouse button "wakes up" the system. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but I'm not able to adjust the brightness of the LCD (either with the buttons or the Display program in the Prefs Pane).


I've tired editing my DSDT manually, but I have never been able to make it actually sleep. I've tried SleepEnabler, PleaseSleep, setting all power settings to 1 minute and waiting, and a dozen different DSDTs from folks with similar systems (e.g., T510). I've tried disabling the USB subsystem via the bios, removing the DVD drive, no dice. I keep going back to Joshhh's DSDT because it has the most working features, but this one issue is driving me nuts.


Anyone have any other ideas?


Thanks in advance.

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You need a patched AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext (Google it) and an edited SSDT for your CPU.


Google for RevoGirl's SSDT generation script for Mobile Core processors. The last bit is important...


And BTW I recommend extracting and editing your own DSDT instead of using others'. You can post your DSDT in the forums if you need help editing.

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