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finally after days of tests and lectures on many forums (including this one), I managed to run acceptably on my hackintosh with 10.8.2 ML video card works has everything enabled except for the HDMI audio and displayed as an ati 5000 series.


But there are some errors during boot:


11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController - library kext com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily not found.
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Can't load kext com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController - failed to resolve library dependencies.
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController failed to load (0xdc00800e).
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Failed to load kext com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController (error 0xdc00800e).
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: IntelCPUMonitor: CPU family 0x6, model 0xf, stepping 0xb, cores 4, threads 4
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: IntelCPUMonitor: Using efi
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: IntelCPUMonitor: BusClock=266MHz FSB=1066MHz
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: IntelCPUMonitor: Platform string M75
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: IntelCPUMonitor: CPU Tjmax 90
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.iokit.IOAcceleratorFamily - library kext com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily not found.Couldn't alloc class "AppleHDAController"
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Controller: Intel 82801I (vendor ID: 8086, device ID: 293e)
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Can't load kext com.apple.AMDRadeonAccelerator - failed to resolve library dependencies.
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.AMDRadeonAccelerator failed to load (0xdc00800e).
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Failed to load kext com.apple.AMDRadeonAccelerator (error 0xdc00800e).
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Couldn't alloc class "AMDJuniperGraphicsAccelerator"
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Controller: ATI RV840 (vendor ID: 1002, device ID: aa58)
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: mbinit: done [64 MB total pool size, (42/21) split]
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC - library kext com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily not found.AttansicL1Ethernet(p5k) from markswell
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Can't load kext com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC - failed to resolve library dependencies.
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC failed to load (0xdc00800e).
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Failed to load kext com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC (error 0xdc00800e).
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC might not load - kextd is currently unavailable.Couldn't alloc class "AudioAUUCDriver"
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC might not load - kextd is currently unavailable.
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC might not load - kextd is currently unavailable.
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC might not load - kextd is currently unavailable.
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kext com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC might not load - kextd is currently unavailable.
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 69DC3FA2-7DEE-3C14-9F85-2D39D5F6224B
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): D57CA69A6670 0x152d 0x2338 0x100
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 575841314139315435393833 0x1058 0x1042 0x1007
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleAHCI/PRT5@5/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/ST3320620AS Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Untitled@3
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s3, major 1, minor 2
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: Kernel is LP64
11/02/13 18:42:04,000 kernel[0]: [AttansicL1Ethernet] Error: Mac address through SPI is invalid
11/02/13 18:41:54,226 com.apple.launchd[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
11/02/13 18:41:54,232 com.apple.launchd[1]: *** Verbose boot, will log to /dev/console. ***
11/02/13 18:41:54,237 com.apple.launchd[1]: *** Shutdown logging is enabled. ***
11/02/13 18:42:04,216 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.automountd) Unknown key for boolean: NSSupportsSuddenTermination
11/02/13 18:42:09,290 hidd[46]: Posting 'com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus' notifyState=1
11/02/13 18:42:09,305 hidd[46]: void __IOHIDLoadBundles(): Loaded 0 HID plugins
11/02/13 18:42:09,885 mDNSResponder[39]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-379.32.1 (Aug 31 2012 19:05:06) starting OSXVers 12
11/02/13 18:42:09,932 coreservicesd[61]: FindBestLSSession(), no match for inSessionID 0xfffffffffffffffc auditTokenInfo( uid=0 euid=0 auSessionID=100000 create=false
11/02/13 18:42:09,963 appleeventsd[52]: main: Starting up
11/02/13 18:42:09,000 kernel[0]: Waiting for DSMOS...
11/02/13 18:42:09,988 configd[17]: network changed.
11/02/13 18:42:10,003 com.apple.usbmuxd[27]: usbmuxd-296.3 on Jul 25 2012 at 00:28:37, running 64 bit
11/02/13 18:42:10,000 kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
11/02/13 18:42:10,408 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Session 100000 created
11/02/13 18:42:11,000 kernel[0]: VoodooPS2SynapticsTouchPad loaded
11/02/13 18:42:11,000 kernel[0]: No interval found for . Using 8000000
11/02/13 18:42:11,000 kernel[0]: ApplePS2Trackpad: ALPS GlidePoint v0.0
11/02/13 18:42:11,000 kernel[0]: Sound assertion in AppleHDAController at line 397
11/02/13 18:42:14,766 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Entering service
11/02/13 18:42:14,903 awacsd[56]: Starting awacsd connectivity-78 (Jul 26 2012 14:37:46)
11/02/13 18:42:14,911 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [mySCCopyWiFiDevices:162] WiFi Device Name == NULL
11/02/13 18:42:14,920 awacsd[56]: InnerStore CopyAllZones: no info in Dynamic Store
11/02/13 18:42:15,013 systemkeychain[80]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
11/02/13 18:42:15,073 configd[17]: network changed: DNS*




are in error: AppleHDAcontroller, AMDAccelerator and AudioAUUC.


the OS starts the video card works well also has the QE / CI is enabled in your kext listed above are all loaded.


For the graphics card I have edited the file as Judas AMDAccelerator, AMD5000Controller and AMD6000Controller inserting inside the id 0x68ba1002.


the first time I did it I had edited AMD5000Controller then loaded only 6000 (which should be the correct one) is logion turned off the monitor.

edited by including the 5000 ML start properly.


the graphics card only connected with HDMI cable


How can I fix these small problems:


1) to recognize the video card HD 6770 with HDMI audio shappire operated

2) solve boot problems with AppleHDAcontroller, AMDaccelerator and AudioAUUC


I think they are connected to each other but after endless research on the forums I'm lost I do not know what to do.


my hardware:


CPU: Intel Q6600

GC: ATI Sapphire 6770 1gb


Thanks to all and sorry for my english

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maybe I've found a problem and resolution but i can't insert my ID gfx cards to ati.c of chimera.


if anyone can explain what the correct procedure is to use the tools I have blinded in the network, but I'm stuck on the vanilla kext that I could find.

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