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Sucesss, 10.4.5 QE,CI and OpenGL 1600x1200


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Suxsesssssssssssssssssssssssss SWEET Victory thanks to eveyone in this forum for the great post and information, SEEDS ESPECIALLY SEEDERS with out you we would not have the tools needed to get things rolling

phoenix3200 thanks for the time you spent putting this together


10.4.6 Crashed 2 reinstalls 2 diffrent versions 2 diffrent seeds

10.4.7 continues reload never got to desktop with 3 reinstalls, two diffrent seeds

10.4.5 the way for me


See sig for specs of hardware

Video 9800Pro

Here is what I did thanks to the great post by phoenix3200 here


Getting ready


It would be a good idea to backup your entire Extensions directory before proceeding just in case you royally mess up anything.


sudo –su cp -R /System/Library/Extensions /System/Library/ExtensionsBackup


Part 1, Callisto Installation


I used b006 for installation purposes. It's available on Omni's website. <-tried Callisto_008 but did not work, Tried Callisto_003 and screen crashed with Hz off range so Callisto_006 was the way to go


After extracting b006, Look in the folder for CallistoHAL.kext. Right-Click on this file and go to Show Package Contents. Double click on Contents, and then drag Info.plist to TextEdit in the dock.

((((((((when I needed to make changes to info.plist files I just dragged it to the desktop, then dragged the one from the desktop to the TextEdit, made changes, saved it, dragged it back to where it came from, it will ask authenticate, put in password, and replace)))))))))





and change it to




Make sure you replace 554d with whatever your specific Device ID is, which is avaliable in System Profiler, and then save and close the file.


Open up another Terminal window, and type (or copy) this into Terminal:


sudo -s

cd ~/Desktop I downloaded to my desktop

chown -R root:wheel Callisto*

chmod -R 755 Callisto*

cp -R Callisto* /System/Library/Extensions/

rm -f /Library/Preferences/com.apple.window*

rm -f /Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.window*

rm -f /Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.pref*

rm /System/Library/Extensions.mkext

rm /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache


Enter your password when prompted


Reboot your computer and make sure you can set new resolutions before continuing.


This got me the resolution

I changed my resolution to 1600x1200@60hz swwweeeett




Part 2, QE/CI Installation


Navigate to /System/Library/Extensions, locate ATIRadeon9700GA.plugin, right-click and go to Show Package Contents. Double click on Contents, and then drag Info.plist to TextEdit in the dock






and change it to




Save and close the file.


Open up another Terminal window, and type (or copy) this into Terminal:


sudo -s

chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeon9700GA.plugin/

chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeon9700GA.plugin/


Enter your password when prompted.


Rebooted and now I have QE, CI and OpenGL with mouse tearing

Running at 1600x1200@60hz


I did not make any changes to the

/System/Library/Extensions/ locate ATIRadeon9700.kext because my card is a 9800PRO and numbers show up as being included in the ATIRadeon9700.kext

Only took me a week or so LOL but dame it feels good

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