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Hi all,


So, I followed the directions for installing OSX on a PC via http://lifehacker.com/5938332/how-to-run-mac-os-x-on-any-windows-pc-using-virtualbox


I used Hackboot..etc. OSX (Snow Leopard) installed just fine (or at least it said that it installed successfully), but when I try to go to the next step ( selecting Hackboot2 and then booting OSX it hangs. I can get all the way to the part where I am supposed to boot into my virtual machine to run ######. Any help would be much appreciated, and if there is any other info I need to supply I would be happy in doing so. I took a screenshot of it at http://imageupper.com/i/?S0200010090011J1359388209534718


A little info about my system:



AMD Phenom II X6 1045T


64 Bit (Win 7)


In Virtual Machine it says that the OS is


Mac OSx (64 bit)


Thanks in Advance


##### = m ultibeast


By the way- When I try to boot it, it goes through about 6 pages of scrolling text before it hangs up on the screenshot I gave the link to.

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