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Hi all,


System configuration is as follows:


Intel i5 2500 sandy bridge

ASUS P8P67LE Bios 3608


Nvidia Quadro 2000D

Corsair 8GB RAM

Snow Leopard 10.6.8


I have a fully functioning SL installation!!! Thanks for a great guide!!! Everything works great. I am wanting to update to the 10.8.2

I d/l Mountain Lion from app store and follow instructions on this site. after much tinkering around with bootflags i get to the installer.

all i have to use is PCIRootUID=0

The install goes well and i reboot. The problem is it will only boot into safe mode. I can use ###### select options and reboot. still nothing but safe mode works.


I get a couple different screen hangs. One is the spinning apple gray screen. it just spins forever. I booted with -v to see what happening and it hangs on [IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed. i dont have bluetooth on mother board or an adapter of any kind.


I have tried many kext options in ###### none will let me boot past safe mode.


Some research has yielded graphics card???


I am curious as to why snow leopard would run great, but Mountain lion yields trouble. thoughts?


Thanks in advance!


Tony V

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