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Hey there,


just downloaded MacOSXUpd10.4.7AMD+Secupdate004 from piratebay and when I open it is has a package called MACOSXUPD10.4.7Intel.pkg is this ment to work on AMD or not? I am confused! Does any one know or has tried it.


Thanks Jason

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The description of the package on PirateBay is:

This is the 10.4.7 update cracked for AMD people. You need 10.4.6 installed to use it and has been tested on Goatsecx 10.4.6 install dvd


It has Semjza 10.4.7 decrypted files + SecUpdate 004.


It will work on Intel too if you didn't remove amd support from the kernel

"MACOSXUPD10.4.7Intel.pkg" is the name of the updater from Apple. There is no "MACOSXUPD10.4.7AMD.pkg" from Apple to be cracked.

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