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my hackintosh is unusable right now and I am really at a loss what to do. All problems started with 10.8.2 after I changed my graphics card to an Asus Direct CU II 2GB 660 ti. Since then I'm getting random sort-of-freezes or a scrambled screens, whenever I stat an OpenGL Application after waking my hack from sleep. With native drivers sometimes wakeup after sleep only gave me a black screen. The new Nvidia drivers solved that issue, but freezes still remain. If the screen freezes in an OpenGL Applications (eg. Starcraft 2), I still can move the cursor.


I tried may possible solutions, even extracted, patched and compiled my DSDT a second time. I installed the new Nvidia drivers, applied the OpenCL-Fix. Even reinstalled from scratch. Nothing seems to help. It definitly is a graphics card/driver issue, as before swapping the card, my hackintosh would run supersmooth.


The graphics card itself is not broke, as I'm running on windows right now and have no freezes, even when playing demanding games such as BF3. Sleep is also no problem here.


The console show this error message when the screen freezes or scrambles after sleep.

9/17/12 8:22:59.000 AM kernel[0]: NVDA(OpenGL): Channel exception! exception type = 0xd = GR: SW Notify Error

NVDA(OpenGL): Channel exception! exception type = 0x1f = Fifo: MMU


Any help would be grately appreciated, as I really would like to boot up and work with my hack again :(


Cheers Maroder

First, the current Apple drivers do not support the GTX 660 series and is the last GTX 6xx series card that is not so you must use the retail drivers. Which you said you have done.


Have you installed CUDA as well?


Sleep on Mac and Sleep on Windows is two different worlds...

First, the current Apple drivers do not support the GTX 660 series and is the last GTX 6xx series card that is not so you must use the retail drivers. Which you said you have done.


Have you installed CUDA as well?


Sleep on Mac and Sleep on Windows is two different worlds...


Thank you for your quick response Rampage Dev. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the 660TI (not 660) had the same GPU as the 670 or 680 with only less shader units and an 192Bit Interface in comparison to the 256Bit interface of the 670/680.


I haven't tried to install the Cuda drivers yet. Do you think they could help with my problem? I will install them later and let you know if it helps.

Do you have Any other suggestions? I'm desperate and will try anything :D






Thank you for your quick response Rampage Dev. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the 660TI (not 660) had the same GPU as the 670 or 680 with only less shader units and an 192Bit Interface in comparison to the 256Bit interface of the 670/680.


I haven't tried to install the Cuda drivers yet. Do you think they could help with my problem? I will install them later and let you know if it helps.

Do you have Any other suggestions? I'm desperate and will try anything :D


No success. Installed lates Cuda drivers, no success. Latest FakeSMC from Kotzlek without any Plugins, no success.

Configured AGPM.kext with Vendor ID of my card for MacPro 4,1 smbios. AGPM showing up correct controller in log. Still getting the black screen when waking from sleep.


I'm slowly giving up on this card...

Thank you for your quick response Rampage Dev. Please correct me if I am wrong, but I thought the 660TI (not 660) had the same GPU as the 670 or 680 with only less shader units and an 192Bit Interface in comparison to the 256Bit interface of the 670/680.


I haven't tried to install the Cuda drivers yet. Do you think they could help with my problem? I will install them later and let you know if it helps.

Do you have Any other suggestions? I'm desperate and will try anything :D


GTX 660 Series is what I said. Same core...

There are plenty of us with the wake from sleep issue, with the 660 ti and other nvidia cards (you did search before posting, right?). I haven't personally found a solution yet, and I'm reluctant to replace the card since I bought my MSI 660 ti to replace a 550 ti I was having major issues with.


Not sure what Rampage dev means by the drivers not working, everything seems fine except the wake from sleep - I've had issues in Windows 7 and Ubuntu with sleep not working at all too though. So might be a bios issue, a bootloader issue or something else? Who knows.


The one thing others have said helped, but I've not yet tried is putting your graphics card in the DSDT. It looks quite involved and I have not time. Will get around to it eventually :)


One thing I have noticed is that the length of sleep matters. A few seconds, wake is fine. A few minutes, wake is fine. A couple of hours, wake fails. I can log in via ssh, but if I issue shutdown on the command line it kicks me out ssh and still doesn't turn off properly. It really seems like the graphics card never transitions to full power after a longish sleep, or perhaps it takes too long for OSX's liking.


I also noticed that people who say they have no issues have more modern motherboards than me. PCIe 3 is card is supposed to be backwards compatible with PCIe 2 slot, but I have to wonder...

Not sure what Rampage dev means by the drivers not working, everything seems fine except the wake from sleep - I've had issues in Windows 7 and Ubuntu with sleep not working at all too though. So might be a bios issue, a bootloader issue or something else? Who knows.


The device ID's are NOT present in the Apple Kext where as the Nvidia Retail kext it is.


The one thing others have said helped, but I've not yet tried is putting your graphics card in the DSDT. It looks quite involved and I have not time. Will get around to it eventually :)


Has nothing to do with sleep and does not work for NVIDIA Kepler core. DSDT injection is very easy. See my blog under DSDT Guides. DSDT Audio edit disables 2 outputs on the card as well on the new GEN.


I also noticed that people who say they have no issues have more modern motherboards than me. PCIe 3 is card is supposed to be backwards compatible with PCIe 2 slot, but I have to wonder...


This is speed related and not driver related. You are looking at the wrong things that could be effecting it. This has nothing to do with the driver level. Besides Ivy Bridge do not have the PCIe controller integrated onto the CPU and this creates more of a speed restriction then anything else.


Read this for more info about PCIe lanes:



As I really can't think of anything I haven't tried yet and my problem seems common even among real Macs (with other Nvidia cards of course), I will just have to wait for 10.8.3 which will have new graphic card drivers. I hope this will fix this issue.

Has nothing to do with sleep and does not work for NVIDIA Kepler core. DSDT injection is very easy. See my blog under DSDT Guides. DSDT Audio edit disables 2 outputs on the card as well on the new GEN.

So is it worth doing or not? I think part of the reason I hadn't bothered was because I had little faith it would fix this wake issue.



This is speed related and not driver related. You are looking at the wrong things that could be effecting it.

I'm pretty much clutching at straws at this point. And also wondering why Ubuntu and Win7 won't sleep either (though they fail to go into sleep, rather than black screen on wake).

So is it worth doing or not? I think part of the reason I hadn't bothered was because I had little faith it would fix this wake issue.




I'm pretty much clutching at straws at this point. And also wondering why Ubuntu and Win7 won't sleep either (though they fail to go into sleep, rather than black screen on wake).


The DSDT edit only address HDMI audio so if you need HDMI audio then add it.


I know that Nvidia addressed some sleep issues in the latest Nvidia driver for Windows so I would assume that this change will also be reflected in the retail drivers once 10.8.3 is released.

Just to be sure nothing else is causing the problem: Could someone be as kind as to have a quick look at my DSDT and tell me if I got an error hidden somewhere?




Thanks a lot!

Believe me, I've tried them all ;) doesn't seem to matter. The same effect every time, no matter what smbios.


Normaly I use MacPro 3.1. Absolutely no problems with my old 560ti, but sold it already for the 660ti :(

I'll report back when I get my GT640.

But a GT640 is a Fermi card so it will work with no issues.


Yes, the majority of 640 are Fermi based. The passive cooled model from Zortac I want is "Kepler" based: http://www.legitreviews.com/article/2040/1/


Damn Nvidia and their intransparent model naming ... :hammer:

Got my "Zotac GT 640 Zone" today and installed it. Having no problems what so ever, sleep and wake with no problems :)

But if someone comes up with an solution for the 660ti freezes, please share it.

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