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Hi there,


It's been a while since I last participated in the OSX86 scene, with my last build coming all the way under Snow Leopard. However, I recently came across a spare laptop that was lying around and wanted to make full use of its potential!


I've been trying to install Mountain Lion 10.8 on my HP Compaq 6720s for the best part of a week now but I continually fall into the same problems. I bought the OS from the App Store and successfully created a USB bootdisk via ######, but no matter what boot flags I try (-x, -v, -s, PCIRootUID=1, GraphicsEnabler=No amongst others), I'm stumped at the line AppleIntelE1000e: Ethernet address <MAC code>.


At first I thought it was a problem with my network adapters, but nothing changes even if they are disabled in my BIOS. I did some more research and discovered it could be a graphics problem, as it is well documented that GMAX3100 is no longer supported natively in 64-bit mode. Any ideas as to what could be at fault here?


My specs are as follows:

Chipset: Intel 965 Series

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo T5750 2Ghz

RAM: 2GB DDR2-PC5300 667Mhz

WiFi: Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG

Graphics: Intel GMA X3100

Sound: ADI SoundMax HD


3x USB

1x VGA

1x ExpressCard/54 slot


Thanks! I'll gladly donate some form of beer money to whoever can fix my problem, it's much appreciated. ;)


go for /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleIntel8254XEthernet.kext and delete this kext and this /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/Intel82574L.kext


from your USBInstaller


Edit; look in your Extra/Extensions of your USB if have any AppleIntellEthernet.kext, if yes, delete this kexts

ok, this

AppleIntelE100e.kext , this kext secure what are in Extra/Extensions of USBInstaller, this is your problem, when you use this

software, USB bootdisk via ######, this instal this kext, but is occult in Extra, try delete from Extra the folder Extensions, make a new folder Extensions with only two kexts, FakeSMC.kext and NullCPUPowerManegemente.kext and put in your Extra/USBInstaller, now boot with -f -v GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x2000 or npci=0x3000

I tried that and got past the ethernet line! However, I'm now stuck at [AGPM Controller] unknownPlatform :(. Any ideas as to what's causing this? Beforehand, I was getting the same lines of code, just with the AppleIntelE1000e: Ethernet address <MAC code> after it. I've attached a picture of my screen for you.


Thanks for your persistance! However, I think we've come to the source of the problem - AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement!


The line that always appears is: ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::start - waitForService(resourceMatching(AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement) timed out.


The ethernet and AGPM lines are both not there anymore, and it skips onto the loading of DSMOS and the Bluetooth kext. I've attached another screenshot for you.


Thanks for your attachment. Sadly, I'm still stuck at the 'timed out' line and can't get anywhere further. Really running out of ideas here :(.


Does the 'BootCacheControl - no such file or directory' line have any meaning?


Thanks for all of your replies iFIRE :)


I decided to abandon ML in favour of Lion, having found this link which provides working kexts and DSDL for my model: http://www.insanelym...nstall-package/


However, using U-n-i-b-e-a-s-t again (this time for Lion 10.7.4), I now get as far as 'still waiting for root device' :( I never did before though, so is there a simple remedy to fix this - possibly copying any files from the ML DMG into my USB?


Here's a screenshot:


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