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[solved]Apple wireless keyboard paired to mac and windows at the same time. Possible?

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I have a fully working hackintosh (specs in sig) with Apple Wireless Keyboard paired with my ML.


Problem is that when I reboot into Windows I have to pair the device again. Then when I reboot into ML I have to pair up again...


Is it possible to hack windows or mac os so that my keyboard can be paired to both systems at the same time? (mind you it's the same hardware and both systems are not running at the same time)



Solved thanks to this thread: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3113227?start=0&tstart=0

It poped up when I realized I should be googling for general bluetooth pairing, not keyboard.


We have to enter the link key from right to left, two digits pairs at a time. I setup boot camp, and inspecting the link keys, I saw they were backwards, but in two digit pairs. So if OSX says 12345678 you will enter 78 56 34 12 on Windows. I believe it's little endian, but I am very sleep so might have to double check.

1. Pair mouse with windows, then go back in and pair in OS X.

2. Get the link key from OS X and email it to yourself or put it somewhere you can reach from Windows.

sudo defaults read /private/var/root/Library/Preferences/blued.plist

3. Boot Windows, open cmd as admin,

psexec -s -i regedit

4. Navigate to HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys\ (BT ID of Mouse/Keyboard) and begin modify binary data

Here's an example link key, instead of just pluggin that in, what you want to do is break it apart starting from the right, working two digits at a time in pairs.

98542ff9 88e19449 475250e1 3943255b ( What is shown in OS X)

5B254339 E1505247 4994E188 F92F5498 (What you enter in Windows)



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