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Hello Guys! I was trying to install ML, I used the method with ###### and it worked till I get the installation wizard, the one where are words flying everywhere that say "welcome".

Well when I get there I realized that the wizard actually works but won't detect my USB keyboard or Mouse. So, I get stucked on the language selection windows and can´t get forward.


My system setup is the following:


Motherboard: Gigabyte H55M-S2 F4

Processor: Intel i5 650

Video Card: XFX Radeon HD5570



Anyone has any idea of what can be happening here? any usb driver or special setup to get that working??


That's really weird, since before I was using SL and also Lion, and I never got a problem related with the USB drivers.


Hope you can help me on this issue!

Thanks in advance.

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