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I have two HP Pavillions m7680.nl-a and in one I've replaced my graphics card with a Geforce 210. That computer is running on Mountain Lion without any issues.

The other one is equipped with a Geforce 7500 and the installation goes fine, it boots in safe mode, but will not boot in normal mode. It asks for a reset. When I try to boot with -v it gives the screen included in the attachment. As you can see I've tried to install NVEnabler64.kext and I've put the EFI string in org.chameleon.Boot.plist and set GE=Y as well in safe mode.


Does anyone have any clue how this could be solved?


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Hi, i have the same problem, i have a 7600 GS...

The problem s that geforce nv40 kexts are 32 bits, and ML is 64 bits only.... Like you i've tried different nvenablers but no luck.

So for now it's a dead end.


The only real solution could be to have a 32 bits kernel (like the Netkas one) + 32 bits efi, and specially edited system kexts, but it's a lot of work, i hope some wonderful developper will find a solution for our problem, we're not the only ones to have unsupported / old hardware, it also interests all those who have Macpro 1,1 or old Macbooks...


For example, you could read this, you'll see that a LOT of people is concerned!

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