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Guys, since OSX Mountain Lion brings in native USB3.0 support, did any one try the seagate USB 3.0 upgrade cable package with express card adapter?


According to seagate KB (http://knowledge.sea...FAQ/217951en#13) ,

The Express card Adapter would provide USB 2.0 speeds in OSX as there was no USB 3.0 support, but since now we have USB 3.0 support does the adapter work and give better speeds than before .


I know the limitations of Express card bandwidth, and that it cannot give full USB 3.0 speeds for PCI based express card but a USB 3.0 support means a definitely higher speed for my 1TB seagate GoFlex Freeagent HDD.


Awaiting Reply !!



P.S (No, eSATA does not work for my HDD. Sadly )

  • 1 month later...

I`ve got 3TB Seagate drive connected to $10 Nec/Renesas uDP720200 chip express card, after upgrade to 10.8.2 & use of PXHCD.kext from http://www.osx86.net...&id=3187&page=2 it is working in USB 2.0 mode, any transfer of data to and from external drive causes freeze after 1GB transfer even CP (!)


I`m forced to use my USB 3.0 Seagate 3 TB drive in 2.0 plug :wallbash:


update: from above link some kind dude made a comment look at this

First download PXHCD.kext and place on your desktop. Right click and Show Package Contents. Open Contents folder and edit Info.plist in TextEdit. Remove following two lines:



Install the modified kext into S/L/E using kext utility (if there is already a PXHCD.kext in S/L/E delete it first). Reboot.

After doing this USB Super-Speed Bus appeared in my System Information. While at this stage it didn't mount any drives, it did show me the device id and vendor id of my PCI-E card:

PCI Device ID: 0x7f9900000015

PCI Vendor ID: 0x7f9900001912


So by repeating the above and changing <string>0x01941033</string> in Info.plist in PXHCD.kext to <string>0x00151912</string>, I have a modified PXHCD.kext for my card. Re-installing this kext in S/L/E and rebooting gave me full working/full speed USB 3.0 (remember to remove the original PXHCD.kext from S/L/E before re-installing).


I`ll try it and give U a feedback


NOTE: we are talking about ML 10.8.2(!)(12C54)

  • 2 weeks later...

djohnsto77 I`ve removed PXHCD.kext but it won`t helped overall my problems with NEC/Renesas chipset so I`ve decided to change USB3.0 ePCI to ORICO PFU3-2P (with Fresco chipset 1009) minor changes to PXHCD.kext gave at the end 5GB/s on both ports!

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