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Hello everybody,

I'm sorry for my bad english, i'm french...

So, i have a Sony VAIO VGN-FZ31M, and i want to install OSX Snow Leopard on my computer.

My configuration:

-Motherboard: CPU Type: Mobile DualCore Intel Core 2 Duo T7250, 2000 MHz

Chipset: Intel Crestline-PM PM965

System Memory: 2048 MB (DDR2-667 DDR2 SDRAM)

BIOS Type: Phoenix

-Display: NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GT

-Audio: SigmaTel STAC9872AK @ Intel 82801HBM ICH8M - High Definition Audio Controller

-Network: LAN: Intel® 4965AGN (

Ethernet: Marvell Yukon 88E8036 PCI-E


(I don't know if i forgot something..)

I have not succeeded to create DSDT because i can't find my bios on the net

I already tried: iDeneb v1.6 (Leopard) --> My audio works, my graphic card works, my ethernet works

iAtkos S3 v2 --> Installation completed, but my mouse and my keyboard aren't recognized

SL 10.6.1 by hazard --> installation completed, but i have a kernel panic


I need your help to get SL on my computer ! Thank you !

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Have you tried a retail Snow Leopard installation? I did a quick look at your hardware, and it looks like that it should work OK except for WiFi. WiFi will not work at all. Graphics should work as Snow Leopard has drivers for 7xxx, 8xxx, and 9xxx NVIDIA GeForce cards. Looks like your ethernet might work. Audio most likely will work with VoodooHDA. For now, try getting it installed. Try with http://www.insanelym...howtopic=269841 to install Snow Leopard on your PC. If you have issues, post here.


OK, looks like someone got ethernet working:

hi I have installed Leopard 10.5.2 and the only thing you should change to make Marvel Yukon (88e8036) work is: (Dev ID: 4351, Vendor ID: 11AB)

Just edit the file:


sudo nano /System/Library/Extensions/IONetworkingFamily.kext/Contents/Plugins/AppleYukon2.kext/Contents/Info.plist


and change just the 88e8053 section on this file


88e8053 change to 88e8036


436211ab change to 435111ab


save the file copy it to




and that's it


Enjoy your new NIC on Mac Os

The same method should work fine in Snow Leopard.

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ok, boot with -s and put this code for delete AppleTyMCEDriver.kext, this kext cause KP for you.


boot with -s



mount /

rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleTyMCEDriver.kext

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/*

schutdown -r now



now boot with this boot flag: -f -v GraphicsEnabler=No npci=0x2000

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It works ! Thank you very much !

Now i need your help again to :

active my touchpad

active sound because i have an error when i open voodooHDA "Can't get registry-entry path" just delete and reinstall !!

configure my graphic card in 1280x720

active my usb ports because they don't recognize my devices After the second reboot, it works

configure my keyboard in french

active "About this mac"

for trackpad instal this two kexts in S/L/E with KextWizard app, repairPermissions and Rebuild Caches with KW app, now reboot, for graphics card put in your org.chameleon.boot.plist GraphicsEnabler=Yes, use app Chameleon Wizard for configure this.






Ok i install Chameleon 2 RC5 VS and i check Graphics enabler but when i boot, i have a black screen. So i uncheck graphics enabler and i check npci-0x2000. Now, audio, ethernet, bluetooth are working. My resolution is 1280x800. Sleep mode and "About this mac.." don't work. And is it possible to get multitouch with my trackpad ?

Ok so i used update helper, and i installed 10.6.8 combo. After installation, i rebooted but i have KP because of sleepenabler.kext so i rebooted with "pmVersion=0" and i deleted SleepEnabler.kext i hope it's the right solution..? :angel_not: I have an other little problem, when i'm using safari or google chrome, my mouse is slow but only in the browser and i don't know why :(

It dosen't matter, it's not a very big problem ^^ Once again, thank you very much for your help :) Just a last question, do you know the intel 4965AGN wireless will get a driver for mac ? And if you know tutoriel on how to create kext ?

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