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Hi guys!

Since my IT course is launching at october at univerisity, so I need a laptop. You've guessed it - hackintosh one. Now, I'd like experts which of those two I consider is .... better equippd ( == easier to maintain and use os x)


My types are:

Lenovo Y580

Intel Core i5-3210M (2.50 GHz, 3 MB cache); GTX 660M, 8GB RAM, HDD 750 GB

Dell 15R 5520

i7-3610QM (2.3 GHz, 6 MB Cache), 8GB AM, 1TB HDD, HD7670M 1GB


The fist has better GPU, the other - everything else... My mind says "Dell, moron" but heart shouts "LENOVO!!111". Can you help me decide?


The good part is I can grab both w/o redmond's SW ( I can grab Win from DreamSpark, anyway)


DISCLAIMER: I'm not asking which is better at all, I'm asking on which is easier to have OS X in heavy use

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This is why the wiki exists:


If it works with Lion you *should* be fine with ML.


Also at that kind of price why not just buy a macbook?


Laptops rarely make perfect hackintoshes...


Edit: Your doing an IT course and you want a hackintosh? I would hate to think I had to use OS X for anything degree related. Have you run OS X before? Office for mac is poor so I could never recommend a mac for productivity and given an IT degree will probably use more specialised software you'll probably run into compatibility issues.

Almost all offices run windows, servers run Linux, and fan-boys / photographers / DJ's run OS X - think about your career path relative to your OS.

Unless of course you intend to dual boot it or have access to a windows machine as well then fair enough...

Feel free to ignore my advice its just what I've found from experience of my engineering degree...

Also at that kind of price why not just buy a macbook?

Because in my country macs are 40% more expensive that in USA. I really doubt it's shipping + import fees only.




Office for mac is poor so I could never recommend a mac for productivity


I'll be programming in Java, not writing docs.



and given an IT degree will probably use more specialised software you'll probably run into compatibility issues.


I never considered installing MS Acces or SQL Sever even on my PC [VMs uber alles]



Almost all offices run windows, servers run Linux, and fan-boys / photographers / DJ's run OS X - think about your career path relative to your OS.


More broader set of technolgy - better


EDIT: Of course, If you know any notebook comparable to these (and avaiabl in EU) let me know ;]

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