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[WORKS] Sapphire HD 6450 512mb with Mountain Lion

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Finally, i got a full working mac mini with my video card, how i did it?simply, you have to install mountain lion, use this driver files since new one doesen't work goodhttp://www.osx86.net/view/2917-ati_radeon_6450_hd_fix_for_mountain_lion_...htmlyou have to copy it in S/L/E and fix permissionswhen you installed all, you have to fix the ML partition, after that, you will should have a 6xxx video card, so, you have to write this in org.chameleon.boot.plist

	EthernetBuiltIn	Yes	AtiConfig	Bulrushes	AtiPorts	3        GraphicsEnabler        Yes	Kernel	mach_kernel	Kernel Flags	PCIRootUID=0 npci=0x2000 darkwake=0        DSDT        /Extra/DSDT.aml        SSDT        /Extra/SSDT.aml	Legacy Logo	Yes	Timeout	1	UseAtiROM	Yes[/core]and use the files uploaded right downADIVISE: i'm using enoch chameleon r2030..ADVISE2: you can change the pci root uid as you would, this is my configuration of my mainboard, maybe your is different.. the ssdt is compiled only for the Sapphire 6450 with 512mb of ram


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