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I'm currently on my perfectly working 10.6.8 build.

This build consists of a


Intel q8200

XFX GTS250 512 mb.


I also have a ASUS GTS450 1 GB, but I can't get this card to work with SL. I also fail to get both cards working on Lion (can't even get into the installer), so that's why I'm still on SL.


Today, I wanted to install ML. So I grabbed my USB-Stick, ###### 1.5.1 and bought the .app. Everything went great, not a single KP, no SystemShutdown False hang like I used to have. I was so happy.


After that, everything had loaded and my screen went black like it always does, and normally after 0,2 seconds the image returns and my Mac has booted. Only problem, the image doesn't return. Not on the ASUS, not on the XFX. I tried various things with GraphicsEnabler and PCIRootUID, but I just can't get it to work.


Could someone please give some clear instructions how I can get the installer to boot?


Thank you so much in advance,


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