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background story: I have a 2006 mac pro and the case mod is pretty much done except for the front panel cables.


I've not started on the wiring for the 8 wire socket at the top post-57928-0-29807100-1341570474_thumb.jpeg yet as the motherboard switch and led extension wires have not yet arrived.


I;ve started on the front USBs and audio but something seems to be wrong as there it doesn't seem to be working at all. Please point it out to me if i've missed out anything.


8Pin connector

Where do i connect the 12v, 3.3v and 5v pin to?


Sata Wire

I've soldered the wires exactly as described in the picture post-57928-0-77321100-1341570729_thumb.jpg But it doesnt seem to be working. i've tried both usb headers on the motherboard but nothing works.


EDIT: somehow i've connected the central ground wire to 1 of the outer ground wire and the USB extension wire does not have the wire at the lower right side.


Front audio

this is where I get quite confused. I followed the guide post-57928-0-67324600-1341570903_thumb.jpg post-57928-0-47972100-1341570916_thumb.jpg and I assume pin number 1 is the leftmost pin in the picture and on the guide. post-57928-0-07178600-1341570948_thumb.jpg

What i did was I connected wire 3 in the guide to pin number 9 in the front panel audio pinout, wire 4 to pin number 5 and wire 2 to pin number 2.


Can someone help me on this issue? or is anyone selling ready-made adapter cables or something?



Oh yeah. Sorry. I never got very far with that project. I got the board, wires and everything. Just never could find a good SATA connector that I could make up myself. The whole cutting off the end and splicing just didn't appeal to me.


Looking forward to seeing your progress. Maybe after your done you can supply all of us with them! hahaha



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