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I have SL working great on a Dell GX280 and updated to 10.6.8 without any probs.

My only issue is the graphics


It is a GMA 900 and is stuck on 1024x768 which is not a major problem, but the video does not play well etc.


I have tried all the kexts that people have posted for this machine, but none of them seem to work and I have to keep removing them from safe mode.


Please could someone help with a kect that works for a GMA 900 on a GX280 with 10.6.8


many thanks. Mark

Many thanks for your reply, this was one of the first things I found and tried, hence the joining of this site. Unfortunately it did not work.

When I install the kext and then run kext utility, after a couple of minutes I get an error stating that the kext has failed and will not work correctly, please consult your administrator (or words to that effect).


Everything is working great and I am on 10.6.8 but its just the graphics stuck at 1024x768 is so annoying, especially as video does not play.

In the about section it states the gma900 etc. and also says no kext installed?


please help. Many thanks, Mark

OK, after trying your info above again, I have managed to get it to work and Now I have lots of resolutions to choose from. Awesome, thank you.

The only problem now is that the computer thinks I have dual displays? one is called Display and the other is the Monitors name.

Can you advise on how to get rid of the dual display and leave me with just the one I have?


many thanks, Mark

OK another slight issue I have found is that my pc wont boot without the iatkos disk in the drive.


If i let my computer boot normally into mac I get a boot error

I have to press f8 and then click the disk drive to get it to boot?


any ideas?


many thanks, Mark

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