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Trying to get osx running at AMD 64 X2 5200 + GA-MA69GM-S2H

Tried iatkos v4a, iatkos v7, iatkos S3, iPC 10.5.6, iDeneb 1.4

###### and Nawcom

EvilAppleACPIPlatform, EvilIOPCIFamily, NullCPUPowerManagement

busratio=20, cpus=1, maxmem=48, GraphicsEnabler=no, arch=i386, PCIRootUID=0, npci=0x2000

and god knows what else


Thing is, i can deal with kernel panics and stuff, but what is really killing me, is that system is running extremely slow.

It take about 30 minutes to get to install welcome screen, and another 30 minutes to be able to click next, and i never have enough patience, to wait enought 30 minutes, to see what's next.

Does anyone have any idea, what could cause it?

This machine has some power, linux works just fine

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  • 2 weeks later...

Try doing a busratio=18. It was in a completely unrelated post, but it was centered around making AMD/unknown CPU's run OSX.


or... The fact that your maxmem is set at 48. As in megabytes. Might want to change that to 4096 =P


If that doesn't work, try using a different start-up CD. Like -le gasp- he-who-shall-not-be-named's Legacy start-up CD


I had 100% success on getting it to install, and the CD was probably 1-2 years old.


I'd also check your CPU stats to make sure it supports SSE3 before using he-who-shall-not-be-named's start-up CD. Reason being is that I can use x86_64 or i386 is because my processor (AMD FX-8150) supports SSE3 and 4.





Current word filters prevent me from helping you. Blame the admin. The whole situation is really silly...

Yeah, i was pretty silly, i don't know what was i thinking when typing 48, they are not even Gigabytes. I've figured that i should give it more, and it became faster, but only for the things before DSMOS arrival.


Thank you for your advices, but i got it solved already. Was delaying posting it, to see what exactly is going on.

I've found two solutions

Solution 1: Use 10.5 and make sure to enable AHCI at bios, even if you are not going to use any HDDs

Solution 2: Use 10.6 and disable USB Mouse at BIOS


After spending some time with this configuration i have figured that

- 10.5 works pretty stable, but it's ancient and won't let you to do alot of things

- 10.6 not so stable, for example opera will crash the minute you try to install lastpass (who needs a computer without opera and lastpass?)

- 10.7 ... well, i got it running, which was not easy, and I'm not sure if i can call that running


All that bring me to following conclusions:

1. Spending 150$ for Intel Core G620 + ASUS P8H61-M LX + DIMM 4096 Mb Hynix (which i am going to do immediately after i get some sleep) is multiple times cheaper, than spending a week avoiding working and sleeping for the sake of idea to get it running on AMD :)

2. After using intel hackintosh for a few months, trying to get it working on AMD gives me a good idea, why i should spend $3000 for i7 macbook instead of $800 i7 dell hackintosh

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