stekkz Posted May 21, 2012 Share Posted May 21, 2012 Hey all, I have a few problems after I managed to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 on the following configuration (installed iATKOS s3v2): Motherboard: M4A87td/USB3 Processor: AMD Phenom X6 T1055 @ 2.8ghz (I think) Memory: 24 GB DDR3 Ram (from kingston, just normal memory) A few hdd's. GPU: Nvidia 8800 GTS 512MB Now Here are the problems: 1. when I boot, I have to boot with Nawcom modcd, and then through that cd boot the OS. I installed already chimera as bootloader or chameleon but when I boot (with both), the loading screen is stuck at the silver apple and under that a loading circle. 2. Is there any way to enable graphics acceleration? I tried with NVEnable but it didn't work out 3. Is there a way to update to 10.6.8? With kind regards, Stekkz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
iFIRE Posted May 21, 2012 Share Posted May 21, 2012 Hey all, I have a few problems after I managed to install Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3 on the following configuration (installed iATKOS s3v2): Motherboard: M4A87td/USB3 Processor: AMD Phenom X6 T1055 @ 2.8ghz (I think) Memory: 24 GB DDR3 Ram (from kingston, just normal memory) A few hdd's. GPU: Nvidia 8800 GTS 512MB Now Here are the problems: 1. when I boot, I have to boot with Nawcom modcd, and then through that cd boot the OS. I installed already chimera as bootloader or chameleon but when I boot (with both), the loading screen is stuck at the silver apple and under that a loading circle. 2. Is there any way to enable graphics acceleration? I tried with NVEnable but it didn't work out 3. Is there a way to update to 10.6.8? With kind regards, Stekkz Update to 10.6.8, first clone your install 10.6.3 with C.C.C. Carbon Copy Clone Good Luck!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 21, 2012 Share Posted May 21, 2012 iFire might be right. Upgrading to 10.6.8 might help fix your video problem. But some preparation is needed first. 1. Download the Apple 10.6.8 Combo update: 2. That will take a while, so meanwhile, back up your Extensions folder Go to the /Applications/Utilities folder and open Terminal Type: cd /System/Library Type: sudo cp -Rfp Extensions ExtensionsBack (give your password - the cursor will not move - there will be no feedback - just type the password and <Enter>) 3. Since you are AMD, you need a legacy kernel. Download the 10.6.8 legacy_kernel: http://blog.nawcom.c...rnel-10.6.8.bz2 Put it on your Desktop and double-click on it to unarchive it. You should have a file named "legacy_kernel-10.6.8" Let's put the kernel where it belongs so we can access it after the upgrade. Open Terminal Type: cd Type: cd Desktop Type: mv legacy_kernel-10.6.8 / Type: sudo chown root:wheel /legacy_kernel-10.6.8 (give password if asked) 4. After the 10.6.8 upgrade finally downloads, put it on the Desktop. Go ahead and run it, but DO NOT LET IT REBOOT! 5. Now we have to go move the kernel into final position Open Terminal Type: sudo mv /legacy_kernel /legacy_kernel_old (give password) Type: sudo mv /legacy_kernel-10.6.8 /legacy_kernel 6. Cross your fingers and reboot. You should still be using your ModCD. In the ModCD screen, select your Mac Disk but before pressing <Enter>, type: -v and then press <Enter> The -v gives verbose mode which allows you to see messages generated during boot. If there is a problem, those messages might be a clue as to how to fix the problem. 7. When you get booted, remove the NVEnabler and anything like that and reboot again to see if your graphics work better. 8. After this, you can work on getting rid of ModCD. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 Well I still can't change my resolution :/. Any resolutions for that? Also, any tips of how to get rid of ModCD now? (I tried several solutions from on the internet etc) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 Follow - In the upper right hand corner of this page is a Follow this Topic button. Click on it and you will get an email everytime someone posts here. ModCD - you are right, it is time to try to get rid of it. Try booting without ModCD. When it first starts to boot, Chameleon kicks in and there is a bar moving left for about 5 seconds. Then you see the shiny Apple with the spinner. During the Chameleon phase with the bar, press any key to stop that process. Then type -v and <Enter>. When it hangs, give me a picture of what it says. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 the first time I tried and it booted, but without recognizing my ethernet port on my motherboard (so I didn't have any internet connection). Now I rebooted to see if it was really working and have boot stuck on the following: (can't provide an image cause sd card from cellphone is broken and everyone is asleep so can't go search through all the drawers for a camera ) Waiting for boot volume with UUID CC8522D9-265B-3280-9687-B67197150DFE Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">bot-uuid-media</string></dict> kmod start load succeeded Still waiting for root device Still waiting for root device Also, with ModCD, I can go on the internet, so, I don't know whats wrong :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 ModCD injects drivers that you don't necessarily have. So ModCD injects a kext for your ethernet and it injects one for booting your hard drive. I can do this a quick and dirty ugly way that we can maybe clean up later. But we need to record some info for later: 1. Go to /Extra folder and delete the Extensions.mkext file - drag it to the Trash and give your password. 2. Open the /Extra/Extensions folder. Record the list of kexts that you find in there. It would be nice if you could post them here. 3. Find the ModCD icon on your Desktop. Double-click it. Find the Extra folder inside. Double-click it. Find Preboot.dmg and double-click it. Find the Extra folder and double-click it. Find the Extensions.mkext file and drag it to your Desktop. 4. Right-click on the Desktop and select "New Folder". Name it "aa". 5. Open Terminal Type: cd Type: cd Desktop Type: sudo mkextunpack -d aa Extensions.mkext (give your password) Type: sudo mv aa/* /Extra/Extensions/ Type: sudo chown -R root:wheel /Extra/Extensions 6. Reboot without ModCD and using -v Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 Well I did what you said I should do, I did forget to take a screenshot from the old kexts in /Extra/Extensions before I deleted them >.<. Now when I rebooted it I didn't get a chance to take a picture, it goes all the way to some debugging info from NVEnabler an then it automatically reboots. (and it keeps doing that) The last sentence on the screen that I can remember is: NVEnabler: probe failed And now when I reboot with ModCD again, it's stuck at the following: PostbootM0unter::start PostbootMounter: no ramdisk specified, exiting. PFM64 0xffffffff10000001, 0xf0000000 [ PCI configuration begin ] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 Well I did what you said I should do, I did forget to take a screenshot from the old kexts in /Extra/Extensions before I deleted them >.<. No, I said delete a file named Extensions.mkext. Then record the names of the kexts in the Extensions folder. I wanted to know what was in the Extensions folder because we were going to add a crapload of kexts to the Extensions folder and I needed to know the necessary ones, the ones that were there, the ones you deleted vs the crapload that we were adding, Now when I rebooted it I didn't get a chance to take a picture, it goes all the way to some debugging info from NVEnabler an then it automatically reboots. (and it keeps doing that) Back in posting #3, item 7 I asked that you get rid of NVEnabler but that doesn't matter now. The last sentence on the screen that I can remember is: And now when I reboot with ModCD again, it's stuck at the following: PostbootM0unter::start PostbootMounter: no ramdisk specified, exiting. PFM64 0xffffffff10000001, 0xf0000000 [ PCI configuration begin ] You can try to boot ModCD with -v ncpi=0x2000 but I doubt it will boot. And even if it does, I can't fix the problem. I think deleting the Extensions is a fatal blow and you are going to have to reinstall. ModCD put those kexts into /Extra/Extensions during the initial setup and the only way to get them back is to repeat that setup - ie reinstall. Reinstall 10.6.3 using ModCD and upgrade to 10.6.8 following posting #3 above. When you get to that stage, let me know and I will write a slightly different version of posting #7. Cheer up. You can't be a hackintosh hacker without a couple of reinstalls under your belt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 So I did everything you said until the reboot after the update to 10.6.8, I rebooted and got the following message again: PostbootM0unter::start PostbootMounter: no ramdisk specified, exiting. PFM64 0xffffffff10000001, 0xf0000000 [ PCI configuration begin ] then i tried to boot through ModCD with : -v ncpi=0x2000 Got the same error again >.< Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 Did you erase the disk. You know, boot ModCD. Insert the 10.6.3 DVD. Press F5. Boot the DVD. Answer the language question. Go to the Utilities menu and select Disk Utility. Erase the Mac partition. Quit Disk Utility. Back to Installer. Select the Mac Disk. Install OSX. Reboot with ModCD. Select Mac Disk. Boot. Install kernel and 10.6.8. Basically a from-scratch reinstall. Because it kinda sounds like maybe you reinstalled right over top of the existing installation and there was a residual installation still there. I could be completely wrong and probably am. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 I erased all three disks (I have three HDD's) to be sure. Just like you said and I still get the error. Which is strange, because yesterday when I tried the update, it worked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 OK, did you perform the operation where we backed up files to a folder called ExtensionsBack? We might be able to use them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 Well you see, the problem is, I didn't even get there. After this it crashes with the error I gave you: 6. Cross your fingers and reboot. You should still be using your ModCD. In the ModCD screen, select your Mac Disk but before pressing <Enter>, type: -v and then press <Enter> The -v gives verbose mode which allows you to see messages generated during boot. If there is a problem, those messages might be a clue as to how to fix the problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 I'm talking step 2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 I knew I forgot something. *goes back to installing* But what if the crash happens again, how would I be able to access my extensions folder then? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 I just wrote up a procedure to use if the "crash" happens again. We'll use it if we have to. Upgrading to 10.6.8 is hard. I was surprised it went so well the 1st time. If it fails again, we want to upgrade to 10.6.7 first, then upgrade to 10.6.8. That [PCI Configuration begin] is taken care of by using kexts from 10.6.7. But go ahead with what you are doing. If it fails and we can't fix it, we'll have to do the 10.6.7 update then slide into the 10.6.8 update. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 Well I reinstalled and then used the following package to update my kernel after I did the comboupdate to 10.6.8: Then I rebooted, it rebooted once again automatically, then I rebooted again and it worked. I'm now running 10.6.8, without a working appstore (device or computer can't be verified) and still with ModCD. Any tips to get rid of ModCD? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 Yes, I do have an idea about getting rid of ModCD. But first, I'm worried about that [PCI Configuration begin] error coming back when you least expect it, so I want to deal with it first. Download this file and put it on your Desktop. Double-click it and find a folder called "a": Open Terminal Type: cd /System/Library/Extensions Type: sudo mv IOACPIFamily.kext IOACPIFamily.kext.bak (give password) Type: sudo mv IOPCIFamily.kext IOPCIFamily.kext.bak Type: cd Type: cd Desktop/a Type: sudo mv IOACPIFamily.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ Type: sudo mv IOPCIFamily.kext /System/Library/Extensions/ Type: cd /System/Library/Extensions Type: sudo chown -R root:wheel IOACPIFamily.kext IOPCIFamily.kext Type: sudo chmod -R 755 IOACPIFamily.kext IOPCIFamily.kext Reboot with ModCD and -v Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 I did everything like you said, copied them over to that extensions directory, but before I had the change to change the permissions it said that it was installed improperly (those kexts), after that warning I still did the permissions and now I have a kernel panic where it says that it can't find the following: library kext not found. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 Try booting -v -f Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 Now that worked beautifully . Now let's try to get rid of ModCD? ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 OK,, the philosophy is the same as before. ModCD has some kexts in it that it has not given to your installation. So we're going to take all of the kexts out of ModCD and make them available to your installation by putting them in the /Extra/Extensions folder. It will be messy in there. But later, we will figure out which ones of those kexts are needed and get rid of the rest so it will get cleaner. I've modified the procedure a bit to make sure I get information I want and we don't accidentally erase files we need. 1. Find the ModCD icon on your Desktop. Double-click it. Find the Extra folder inside. Double-click it. Find Preboot.dmg and double-click it. Find the Extra folder and double-click it. Find the Extensions.mkext file and drag it to your Desktop. The file contains a cache of all the kexts available for booting with ModCD. We're going to extract all of those kexts and add them to the /Extra/Extensions folder. 2. Open Terminal Type: cd Type: cd Desktop Type: mkdir rlf Type: ls /Extra/Extensions > rlf/Extra.txt Type: sudo rm -rf /Extra/Extensions.mkext (give password) Type: cp /Extra/org.chameleon.Boot.plist rlf/ Type: sudo kextstat -l > rlf/kexts.txt (that is lowercase L after the dash) Type: sudo mkdir aa Type: sudo mkextunpack -d aa Extensions.mkext Type: sudo mv aa/* /Extra/Extensions/ Type: sudo chown -R root:wheel /Extra/Extensions 3. Find a folder called "rlf" on the Desktop. It contains a listing of the Extensions in Extra, a copy of one of your boot files and a copy of all the kexts being used by your system right now. Right-click on it and select "Compress rlf". Now there should be a file named "" on the Desktop. Attach it to a posting on this forum. To do that, on the bottom right of the page, click on "More Reply Options". Click the "Choose File" button and find the file "" on the Desktop. Once it is chosen, click the "Open" button. Then click the "Add to Post" link. Finally, click, "Add Reply" 4. You should now be ready to try to boot without ModCD. Boot -v Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stekkz Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 So here's the thing, I followed all your instructions and the boot (when I do -v) gets a kernel panic, and when I boot with -v -f I get this (the last three lines): kmod start load succeeded RealtekRTL81xxx.kext: NIC identified as RTL8168E/8111E (mcfg=23) and after this it just stops with booting and it hangs on that last line. Also attached to this reply you'll find the you asked for. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlf Posted May 23, 2012 Share Posted May 23, 2012 Well, there is nothing there to indicate the problem. Can I have overnight to look at the data you sent me and make a recommendation? I know you're anxious to move forward. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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