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Hey all!


I've encountered so many problems with my AMD Lion 10.7.3 install, but finally got past most of them. However when I got to installing the Quadro 4000 drivers for Mac to get my GTX580 to work, it went wrong again...


Verbose boot shows that the NVDAGF100HAL.kext is loaded and registered, but at the point when I should be reaching the desktop, the monitor goes to sleep. The system seems to boot up just fine, but I just don't get any display. Tried connecting my monitor to HDMI and both of the DVI slots.


Google tells me that there are more people with this problem, but I couldn't find a working solution.




Hardware: ASUS M4A77, Phenom II X4 955BE, 6gb DDR2, ASUS GTX580 DCII.

A temporary solution to get you booted to the Desktop involves moving the Nvidia kexts to a temporary folder. You will again have video although it will only be at one resolution and unaccelerated. This gives you time to find an ultimate solution. And when you do, you just use something like Kext Helper or Kext Wizard to move the Nvidia kexts back to where they belong.


To move the kexts, boot the computer -s


You should come to a prompt that says "root:"


Type the following commands:


mount -uw /
cd /System/Library/Extensions
mkdir NvidiaBack
mv NVDA* GeForce* NvidiaBack/


Boot -v -f


Your kexts are temporarily stored in folder /System/Library/Extensions/NvidiaBack

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