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I have a acer laptop amd CPU and I'm running into problems.


I have snow leopard running on it with Chocolate kernel and chameleon rc5


Basically I used snow leopard by hazard


I have just 2 problems


I just Carnt get the sound working and I even don't no which kexts will work. I've tried voodoohda and a few other kexts but no joy.


Also ati raedon 4200hd graphics now I've read up and searched several times with google. Some say it is possible to run qe/ci and some say it's not possible.


I've tried a raedon hd kext but mouse cursor goes all funny.


I hope somebody out there can help with these two problems.


I am a newbie so any easy tutorial to follow


Unless I'm running a complete wrong setup and stuff then I hope somebody can point in the right direction on hat I should be doing


Thank you


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