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This is for ATI m5650 models ONLY!


A very brief guide on how to get a fully working, craptastic, Acer Aspire 5740G on 10.7.3, in ~10 easy steps.


Yeah, Right...


1) Use (aye)Boot to install OSX


2) After installation reboot (via (i)Boot key) and install 10.7.3 combo update. Then use muLt1B3ast for the bare minimum, don't bother with boot loader; just the basics like ps2 support, null cpu power management, rtc fix etc + kext utility



3) Install chimera (attached)


4) Drag the kexts from the "needed kexts" folder in the attachment onto kext utility.


5) Copy attached boot.plist and smbios.plist to /Extra


6) Sort out your EDID override following instructions here. Or... you can try my EDID "717" file. If you do, I take no responsibility for cats having sex with dogs, outbreaks of rage virus in the neighbourhood or exploding computers. Having said that, my edid has worked on at least a couple of 5740Gs. YMMV.


7) Go to screen sharing and enable VNC. There's a good chance you will get a blue/black/garbage screen on first reboot and you will need to VNC in and set a sane resolution (from 1900x1200 in my case - yeah, I wish...). Obviously, if you are using wifi, now is the time to make sure your lappy logs into preferred networks automatically - setting DHCP manually can make your life easier if you are on a big network that cycles IPs often.


8) You may want to fix permissions, sacrifice a chicken, whatever hoodoo makes you feel better before doing something that requires a bit of luck.


9)Shutdown and...


10)Boot back into your hacky... Boots but screen is awol? VNC into your machine and set things right.


11) 10.7.4 update screws up wireless, in addition to replacing the other kexts also need ones from here.



Have Fun...


Sleep is very patchy btw... sometimes it works, sometimes...well... -f -x -v then shutdown and restart.


PS. My laptop is a BT free model, I use a dell mPCIE card in the second expansion slot so my bluetooth instructions are of no help here. If anyone has ones for standard acer cards let me know.






ok... I've been a way from hackies for a while - what's with ####### on this forum? Use your imagination for a bit of phonetic spelling.


  • 4 weeks later...




one thing only,You said if i get the 10 mins blue screen then i should apply the USB fix in boot.plist how the hell i do that? (explain this pls)




is it the same USB FIX from the System Preferences->Boot loader->Peripherals->USB bus Fix ???because i did this and yet i am getting the 10 mins blue screen again.





Thank u again

  • 2 weeks later...

so my config: acer 5740g 5650M Lion 10.7-> lion combo to 10.7.3 -> reboot -> with resque boot | -v GraphicsEnabler=Yes AtiConfig=Hoolock npci=0x3000 PCIRootUID=1

At the moment i already reinstall lion plus combo update for 3 times, when i include your kext it screws up my setup, currently my lion install usb disk failed as well, gonna give it one more try. Anyway without your kext's. aahhh, hmz. i will update date this in case i succed some way. save sometime for ur self: make backup image of your installs after 10.7.3 combo before trying to anything else.




quote from http://www.insanelym...howtopic=274966

I had a same problem..

To solve this problem, Open an info.plist file which is located in the AirportAtheros40.kext > Contents

and delete 2 line





p.s AirportAtheros40.kext is located in the IO80211Family.kext > Contents > Plugins.





soo problem is chimera, with chimera from ###### 4.3.2 boots ok, or with boot.plist --



again booting with install usb, brrr ncpi=0x3000 -v AtiConfig=Hoolock GraphicsEnabler=YES

  • 4 weeks later...

10.7.4 screws up our wireless card - use kexts from here to fix


@maeras I meant





in the org.chameleon.Boot.plist


My Plist that works with 10.7.4



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Kernel Flags</key>


@ouzo Not sure from your post if you have it working or not? Also, there seems to be a big ugly video smack bang in the middle of it...

  • 2 weeks later...

10.7.4 screws up our wireless card - use kexts from here to fix


@maeras I meant





in the org.chameleon.Boot.plist


My Plist that works with 10.7.4



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<key>Kernel Flags</key>


@ouzo Not sure from your post if you have it working or not? Also, there seems to be a big ugly video smack bang in the middle of it...


Dude, i am not gonna lie to you, i am afraid to update it, but as long as it concerns the blue screen, i have to wait 10 mins even after applying the <key>USBBusFix</key> <string>Yes</string> in to org.chameleon.Boot.plist. Any idea why is this keep happening?

  • 3 weeks later...
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