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Okay, I need some help here. Ever since Lion killed my Sil3132 driver, it has been driving me crazy by using my hard disk enclosure with their USB 2.0 connector rather than ESATA. Rebuilding a 2TB mirror alone took 2 days!


I need suggestion here, which USB 3.0 card should I get for my Lion 10.7.3 hack? I really don't mind getting more expensive alternatives, I just need something that works with those 4 HD USB 3 enclosures. I am planning to get one of those USB 3 cards with NEC chipset, and used one of the hacked drivers. However, I have not seen any reports on their compatibility with multi-harddrives enclosure. Anyone can shine some lights on this, please?


Thanks a million in advance!




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Finally bit the bullet and bought a NEC chipset USB 3 card with a 4 bay hard disk enclosure (JMirco USB to ATA/ATAPI Bridge). The card works fine with PXCD.kext 1.0.8 driver, recognized as Super-Speed Bus. But the enclosure will only operate at 480 mbps, and from what I have read from many people, this is expected, and doesn't have a fix yet. I suspect it is down to Apple's implementation of USB HD enclosure driver, which limit it to 480 mbps since it is designed for USB 2. Guess we won't be seeing full USB 3 enclosure support until either LaCie made one of their own, or Apple officially supports USB 3.0.

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