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Powering down the NVidia GPU in an Optimus setup

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just wanted to share the procedure how that can be done. It's rather simple and because the nvidia gpu is still useless afaik in an optimus setup it's nice to save that power. this doubled the time running on batteries for me.


One has to extract his SSDTs and look for Optimus' tables. It will say something like "NvOptTbl" at the beginning of the SSDT. Then look for a method which is most likely the "off" function. Some say "off" mine says "opof". copy this into your DSDT somewhere you can call it. i did it quick and dirty just throwing it into the '/' scope. then hit compile, look for the variables which are missing in the dsdt in the ssdt and copy that whole operation area, too. repeat this until all dependencies of the OFF function are satisfied. then call the off function in the _WAK method.


if it works your nvidia shouldn't show up in the system information anymore and your power consumption should drop quite a bit.


have fun.

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