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Hi guys,

I've an eeepc 1005P with Lion 10.7.3 installed and working fine. I've changed the wifi card too and last problem is the graphic card but I think it will be very hard to get it working.


My question is if I need a DSDT and what it does. Is it possible my iCloud account and FaceTime don't work for this?


I've chamaleon 2.1 version r1752. I found a serial number that seems good because champ list don't gives me errors.


I've the string "Ethernet Built In = Yes" too.



My iCloud account works very well on my iPhone so the problem is on the pc!


Anyone Can help me please?


PS. Excuse me for my English but I'm Italian :)

atom cpu requires special tricks cause in 10.6.3+ it dropped oob support. i think special kernel.


yep u have them backwards














<key>BSD Name</key>




should be en0.. errase the 2 files and disable wireless and boot with lan only first time.


then reboot with wirelss enabled as well. to make it en1

I do it but iCloud is not working... It gives me a message in italian: "ID Apple or password not recognized". In system configuration i see Ethernet as en0 and wifi en1. New files are attached.


theres fixes arround in forum..


i think your problem is the attansic kext version u have?


or u need to check your serial with lizard app or chameleon wizard.


also what MacBook Model it shows in "About This mac" / more info.


are u using smbios.plist ?

What's attanasic kext? where I can see it? I'm using smbios.plist and I made it with champlist. I think the problem is the serial but I tried a lot of numbers but iCloud won't work! Can you help me to get the right serial and parameters for my atom with champlist?

What's attanasic kext? where I can see it?

seems u likely using some distro since u have no clue of attansic.. its not a vanilla kext. its made by uhh.. dunno


i dont mess with distros so im not much help. goodluck

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