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I would like to install Lion on this computer.

I have installed Snow Leopard on it using the retail DVD and Nawcom's boot CD.

I was able to update to 10.6.8.


Using the SL build, I created a Lion installer USB called [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url] (www.tonymacx86.com).


Using the USB drive, I was able to get to the Lion install screen; however in Disk Utility, I only saw the USB drive, no hard drives were listed.


I was looking at some of the pinned guides to install Lion, but they seemed a little over my head or mentioned DSDT files (which I don't have).


Could you please help me by pointing to the correct way to install Lion on this computer?





My Hardware:

System - Dell Studio Slim

CPU - Processor, E7400, 2.8, 3MB Wolfdale, 65W, R0

Memory - 4 X Dual In-line Memory Module 1GB, 800, 128X64, 8, 240, 1RX8

Graphics - ATI Radeon HD 5000

Hard Drive - 640GB, S2, 7.2K Western Digital, XL320


There is some success with installing Snow Leopard, see here: http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=215753&st=56


The guide talks about BIOS settings and using a specific DSDT to get the SATA drives to be recognised.

Sysyphus, thank you for your help; I really appreciate you pointing me to that guide.

But .... I already have Snow Leopard installed; I'm trying to install Lion.


I stumbled upon this thread, where it talks about IOATAFamily.kext version 2.5.1 to allow the installation; this gave me an understanding now.



This point to MaLd0n's guide for installing Lion:


I added IOATAFamily.kext using Kext Wizard.


Now I get a kernal panic (see image).


I've used these boot options without success:

-v -x cpus=1 busratio=20


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I looked at the kernel panic and thought it could be the firewire (since that's roughly where problems occur in the boot process, I think).

I disabled firewire in the bios and now I am getting further.

Now I get the white screen with the spinning beachball and it just sits there.

Any advice on how to figure this out?


Thank you,


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