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Hi everyone, i hope someone could help me.

I know that my model of notebook is not so familiar with Mac Osx.

I've installed the latest Iatkos L2 with success with the correct busrate (23 for intel 2410m) and it went without problem on the install screen.

After correct install it reboot but the system cannot recognize not also the nvidia (nvidia unknown: device id: 10de 0df5) but also the intel hd 3000 (intel unknown without device id).

I've tryed GraphicsEnabler=yes or not, PCIRootUID=0 or 1, all the flag -f -v -x but nothing. I've tryed to place a Dell XPS 17 DSDT.aml in /Extra, the system recognize it but cannot recognize the intel too. I think is a problem related to org.chameleon.boot.plist and smbios.plist that should be set correctly but i don't know what is the main problem. I know that without a correct dsdt the system don't recognize a lot of hardware but when i boot with Iatkos L2 the intel was found. I have attached all log files of installation and system,the lspci on linux system, the dsdt modified of dell xps 17 and my original dsdt with 201 errors. I hope someone could help me in this adventure.

Thanks to all.






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Hi, i also have an Dell Inspiron N7110, how did you manage to install iAtkos? after install, mine stucks at W386x: found unsuported chip ID=0x85 REVISION=0x18

I followed the instructions found here http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/HCL_10.7.2/Portables#Inspiron_N5110 for Inspiron N5110. When i try to boot LION from USB stick it says: Operation System not found. Also Macdrive 8 doesn't reveal the Lion partition.

Any help would be much appreciated

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