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Hi everybody and Merry Christmas to all.


Had to rebuild my test system due to HD crash and now there is a problem.


I use to have 2HD; 1 with Windows7 and 1 with two partitions (OSx Leopard and SnowLeopard) and used EasyBCD 2.0 boot loader.

@ boot I had option to start Win7 or OSx, after OSx selection and F8 Chameleon give Leopard,Winows and SnowLeo OS to choose from.


Now since HD crash I reformated first partition on the second (Leopard, did not pay with it anymore) and reinstall Win7 and EasyBCD (add OSx option) after reboot all is the same as before with exception that now I have only Win and SnowLeo as an option to choose.

Problem is that when I select SnowLeo to boot, logo of Chameleon on black screen is all that is happening, no boot of OSx.


My guess is that by formating the first partition I've screwed the Chameleon loader.


Can anyone help to solve this problem or do I've to reinstall SnowLeopard also? :help:

Thanks for any info.

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