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5770? Too hard. Bugger this, I'll just get a GeForce

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It's kind of sad, really ... ATI's chips have always given me the nicest image over the years. I've tried sticking with NV-powered stuff but it never looks quite the same, everything from an NV-generated image seems hard, harsh, uncompromising. ATI is like watching silk flow by comparison.


After my first few attempts at a build (all with ATI cards, naturally) all met with dismal failure, I shelved my desire for a 'tosh, but a few months later I was suprised to learn that Mapple had started using ATI again, with the 5750 and 5770 quickly de-Mapple-ised by netkas. Think I could get any to work? Three different 5750's, only one would give me safe-mode video. Let's leave it six months, I said, see if things mature somewhat.


I got the itch to try again last night. I just spend a disheartening five hours scouring this forum and trying to make sense of bcc9's wafflings, but my eyes just glaze over at the mindboggling complexity that's now inherent in ATI's chips and the cards that use them. No wonder the linux people hate the bloody things.


This time, I'm determined to have myself a 'tosh so I can at least experience something of the attraction of OSX, but there won't be any AMD products in it.

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