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Audio only works with Kakewalk bootloader


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Hi Everyone,


This is my first post, so I apologize in advanced if I'm missing anything- if I am, please let me know and I'll update. Thank you in advanced for your help, I sincerely appreciate it.


I successfully created a Hackintosh, everything that I needed works (audio, ethernet, etc)


ga-x58a-ud3r rev 2

i7 930 2.80 ghz

3 x 2gb gskillz ram *not sure the speed but I can find out if you need it

asus radeon hd 5870 1gb ddr5

Cooler Master Silent Pro M700 Modular 700W PS

Antec 900 case

Dedicated Mac Harddrive on a western digital green (5400rpm) hd I took out of a mybook external hd



I followed this guide : http://tonymacx86.com/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=25003

But I was unable to get my computer to boot off of [url="http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/279450-why-insanelymac-does-not-support-tonymacx86/"]#####[/url], so I used Kakewalk initially to boot to the snow leopard cd. After that, I followed that guide line by line (with the exception of the graphics card because i'm using a Radeon unlike his GTX). Everything worked perfectly.


Afterwards, I tried to boot off of Chameleon and noticed the Audio wasn't working. When I boot using Kakewalk cd, I get audio. This is the only differences I noticed between the two bootloaders.


My questions are pretty simple

1. (Optional response)How does the bootloader affect the audio? I mean all the same kexts are there so why doesn't it work? I guess my real question is what is the bootloader really doing besides starting the computer.


2. The more important question I have is- what workaround can I do? How do I install the Kakewalk bootloader without messing up the kexts I have currently have (everything is working- I dont' want to mess it up). Can I get the chameleon bootloader to work?



Thanks everyone!


EDIT: Just to let everyone know- I tried to post in tonymacx86 before posting here but they don't support kakewalk so they deleted my post

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