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My newly-installed hackintosh is running wonderfully for the most part, but here's an odd issue. Whenever F.lux changes colour temperature, I'm stuck with a laggy mouse for a while.


Specs are in my profile, but QE/CI is enabled and there don't seem to be any issues with games. I've also got Disabler.kext in /Extra/Extensions but it doesn't appear to be loading – should it be elsewhere, should it help? I haven't noticed any issues with Quicktime.


Why do I care? I love F.lux! It saves my eyes! And I'm also rather concerned about the implications this might have with apps I have yet to use.


Here is a demonstration of the effect. Unfortunately it's not all captured – you see no temperature change and the mouse lag is greatly reduced.


Edit: I have since tried removing AppleUpstreamUserClient.kext to no avail.

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