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Stucked in OSX


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I guess you readers are gonna like that one:

I'm a total ignorant of PCs but happen to have this VAIO VGN-T1XP in reserve when my luggage get too heavy for the PWB 17' (damn airlines regulations).

So one day I came across this site through the x86 project. It started to become tempting to have mac osX running on this little device, quite convenient for the impenitent traveller that I am. And I had a quick thought: wouldn't it be wonderful to have OSX running on to it ! And there we go, after digging where its necessary I choose to go for the "safe" recommended door, though I have the necessary, lawfully acquired Apple UB Intel compatible DVD install. I was suspicious that the Apple disk wouldn't work on the VAIO so I choosed (or should I say the torrent) the 10.4.5 Universal Install INTEL/AMD/SSE3/SSE2 version. Played a bit to find a way to erase my second partition (disk D:) did it with the windows built in tools (disk manager or something) made it primary (not logical) FAT32 etc.

then I came across a post about Acronis Disk Director Suite. Downloaded it, installed it but, not restarted immediately. There was the fundamental error ! ( Iguess) when I did restart I already had the OSX DVD install on tracks and booted directly from it. Install went well, though a bit longer than on a mac, then had a few problems cos' I didn't knew about the SSE's. After research I added the SSE2 patch and....miracle the VAIO boots on Mac OSX ! boot speed not bad but graphics...desperatly slow. But quite a nice effect if you think of it as a cinematographic slow motion, just as if your desktop has gone into Matrix Land for a while...Genie effects were cool like reduced one fourth of their natural speed...

But let's go to the point: I am a mac user since 1984 (yes, big brother, Apple IIe and stuff) the only time I used PC's was to laught about the complexity of the interactivity man/machine... but hell, I need to get back to a Dual boot system ! What if I meet with an "agent" in an airport lounge that scrutinize my VAIO screen and discover what still should be left unseen...? until Steve and his lawyers makes the right move to increase his OS market share (cf http://macadell.com/macadell3.html#Apple_at_the_River). Or... or produces the Mac we travellers dream about: 12', 1.2 kg, 5 or 6 true hours of battery life...


So, I tried to play with fdisk without success as Darwin seems not to recognize the windows boot disk even I made it primary. I thought about upgrading to 10.4.6 to come back to Windows through BootCamp. Wouldn't it be cool? But what way to use to the upgrade? an apple intel upgrade ? right from apple.com ? or else ? it is just that I have worked around this for two days and I'm a bit exhausted.

But hey, if you guys, that are ways higher into kernels and Unix syntax than my miserable self have another idea, a path, a gig or something, please do not hesitate to enlight my tenebrous misery.

How to get back to windows with Acronis Suite duly working or else to get a Dual boot choice on screen?


I ought to mention that I still have problems also with the UK keyboard (not recognised) even after applying the patch found elsewhere on this site. Problems also with the AppleAC97Audio.kext even after trying the "macgirl" solution (no offense). and of course WLAN etc.. but hey only the keyboard would be enought for me as I just need this little VAIO for writting. even with no sound, no WLAN, no printers...

Thank you for your help ! :sorcerer: I am

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