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Hey guys,

I'v tried everything, but it still runs in 32 bit mode on my Core 2 Quad processor.


Here are commands I tried:

sudo systemsetup -setkernelbootarchitecture x86_64
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/com.apple.Boot 'Kernel Flags' 'arch=x86_64'
sudo nvram boot-args="arch=x86_64"

What I got:

uname -m


ioreg -l -p IODeviceTree | grep firmware-abi

| | "firmware-abi" = <"EFI32">


Is there any other way to make it run in 64 bit?







Don't know how, but I had

<key>Kernel Flags</key>


in by com.apple.Boot.plist


Problem solved.

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