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Jas 10.4.6 no Wireless no Sound


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have a problem with the new jas 10.4.6 release


i have an dell inspiron 1300

intel celern m 1,5ghz (sse2,mmx)

1024ddr2 ram

intel gma 915

dell wireless 1370(broadcom)

Sigmatel onboard soundcard



i checked the options for sigmatel sound and wireless cards

but nothing helped


the problem is, i cant enable mini pci status in the bios, this causes an kernel panic

has anyone got this mini pci card working?

i need internet ;)


hope someone can help

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did ur mini pci ever work? for example during initial setup after the os install where you enter user info it should've prompted you to connect to a network.


for audio...try unchecking the sigmatel audio. i've tried 10.4.6 install on few diff mobos and unchecking that worked on a sigmatel audio chipset

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